Chapter 6

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{After school}

Tensei was still grumpy on the walk home. It was understandable when someone had been annoying you all day.

"Tensei calm down. He's not here." Mitsuro told him, trying to cheer him up.

"When someone annoys you all day, of course you are going to feel annoyed." Sada told him.

"But look on the good side! Tomorrow morning classes are cancelled so students can get their dorms set up." Maya reminded them happily.

"Yay!" Mitaka screamed.

"Mitaka!" Mitsuro scolded him, making the older one laugh.

"Also there is a new update on the number of people in the dorms." Maya said sadly.

Everyone else stared at him. This did not sound like good news.

"There will be two people to a dorm." Maya told them.

"You're telling me I have to share my dorm?" Tensei couldn't believe it. 'I hope my roommate isn't a demon.'

Sada was also panicking. "Please tell me you know who will be in our dorms!" He turned to Maya.

Maya shook his head. "I'm sorry I don't."

"Darn. I hope its not you!" Mitaka turned to Tsuki, who smirked back. "I would rather die than share a dorm with the likes of you Taka-chan!"

"Get a room!" Mitsuro, Maya and Sada shouted.

The walk was otherwise quiet. Just the usual Mitaka and Tsuki bickering while the others discussed the homework.

When Maya and Tsuki got home, the brunette went to his room to finish his homework. About half an hour later his brother opened his door without knocking as usual. "Hey Maya!"

"Don't you know how to knock. I'm doing my homework! What do you want?" Maya turned around in his chair to star at the black head.

Tsuki simply held up his controller. "I'm playing Fortnite with Mitaka and Tensei! Wanna join?"

Maya turned back to the brown desk to finish his English homework. "Let me guess, they keep on targeting you."

"Yes.... Please?"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to pack for the dorms?" Maya raised an eyebrow.

"I'll do that later!" Tsuki sighed and marched out of the room.

Maya sighed, smiling. Even if he was a troublemaker, he was happy to have him as his brother.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Mitsuro had just finished packing when Margret walked in. "Hey, big brother!"

Mitsuro smiled and turned to hug his littler sister. "Hello, you."

"Why are you packing?" Margret asked confused.

"I'm moving into a dorm. It's like a room near school where I can live." He explained.

"So you can get to school on time?"

"Yeah. I have a favor to ask you!" Mitsuro sat on his bed.

Margret jumped up onto the bed. "What is it?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot take Miso and Miku with me. So you'll have to look after them while I am gone!" Mitsuro smiled.

Margret smiled a big smile. "Yes please! I would love too!"

Mitsuro laughed. "Alright. Off to bed now."

Margret jumped off the bed, gave her brother a hug and a kiss before running off. Mitsuro changed into his purple pajamas and climbed into bed. It wasn't long before sleep claimed him and he was drifting off into Dreamland.

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