Chapter 11

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I'm a bit sick right now, so I don't know how well this chapter turned out. I tried my best and I hope you like it!

Warning: Lily's a bit mean in this one!

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

The evening was quite uneventful. Surprisingly everyone was well behaved.

The next morning in class.

Maya stood at the front of the noisy class. Some days he wanders why he became class president. Oh that's right, cause no one else wanted to do it! "Quiet!" He shouted finally gaining everyone's attention. "Now you probably know what time of year it is. Yes, the sports festival is coming up. In two weeks we will be participating against the other 2nd years. However this year will be different."

"What does that mean?" Sada complained. To him this did not sound so good.

"This year other schools from all over the world will also be participating in the games. It's an international sports festival." Maya explained.

"So in other words, we will be up against 2nd years from different schools as well as our own?" Mitsuro asked.

Maya nodded.

"Do you know what schools are participating?" Ryan asked.

"I do not. The teachers are keeping it a secret." Maya told them.

"What sports are we participating in this year?" Kyle asked, hoping for soccer.

Maya turned to write on the board. "Archery, Horseriding, Swimming, Badminton and soccer. For the first three, we have to pick 2 people to represent our class and for the last two we make two teams to head into the games for us."

"Mitsuro should do Horseriding. He was amazing last year!" Sada suggested.

"I lost if you have forgotten!" Mitsuro snapped.

"Well then this year, win." Sada shrugged.

"Then Honey should also do Horseriding as well." Napoleon Switzerland suggested. Napoleon is a black haired and dark green eyes boy, who for some reason has developed a crush on Sada.

"Seems like a good pair. Okay who wants to do Archery?" Maya asked.

"Me and Sada!" Napoleon said before anyone could.

Sada was definitely not happy, but Maya was happy so he would definitely not argue. And he was good at Archery.

"Okay who wants to do swimming?" Maya asked.

"I would!" Lily smiled.

"So would I!" Kyle also volunteered.

"Wonderful. We'll focus on the teams for soccer and badminton later. Please think of some teams before the matchs. The first years are next week, and we are the week after. Get lots of practise as we don't want to lose again!" Maya smiled.

"I have a free period later so I can head down to the stables and practise." Mitsuro mumbled to himself.

"Well this is gonna be a nightmare!" Sada sighed.

"Why?" Ryan whispered at him.

"Well you don't have to work with someone who has a crush on you!" The green head hissed back.

"Why? He's cute. Do you like someone else or something?" Kyle joined in the conversation.

Sada blushed and a face popped into his mind. "Maybe." He mumbled. Ending the conversation.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

In 2-b.

"What sport are you doing?" Tensei asked Naoki.

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now