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The sun beamed through the window opposite me, unopened curtains barely blocking any of the light from burning my skin. The arm over me had been giving me palpitations all night. I was achy and numb from the waist down in a way I'd never been having had the best night of my entire life. He snored quietly behind my head, the weight from him holding no grip so I knew he was completely passed out.

I needed to go and I had to go now. Before he wakes up and the fact that I'd broken one of my biggest rules hits me again. I was freaking out enough about that as it was. I edged away, carefully laying his arm down behind me. Each movement had to be so slow his body didn't realize it was happening. If it didn't think anything was changing, he'd stay asleep and I could slip out of here like normal.

With my feet on the ground, still sat on the bed, I looked around for my clothes, finding the best route to grab my panties and dress from here. I know my shoes were downstairs with my bag. I couldn't get Steve without my phone and that was there so I really needed to do this without him waking up. I leaned down slowly, grabbing my underwear from the floor, pulling them up to my knees and standing up. Inch by inch I raised myself from the bed, listening to the slight creak of the bed as I stood up straight, immediately pulling the cloth the rest of the way up. Okay. One piece of clothing down. One more to go and we could get out of this room. Slowly now Tori.

I started tip toeing across the room, gently praising the lord I weighed next to nothing otherwise these creaks would be a hell of a lot louder. He groaned, making me wince as the bed creaked again, sheets shifting as he moved. I grabbed my dress from the floor, zipping it up before hunting for the straps so I could pull it on. I couldn't reach the zip on this dress when it was on, but I could get it on without needing to unzip it. Independent girlies find ways to wear their favourite dresses for one-night stands.

"Not so fast Willow." His hands gripped the dress, one arm around me waist, pulling me back to bed slowly. He'd stolen all of my air again and I started to try and keep calm. Don't freak out Tori. It's okay. You'll get out in a second. His lips pressed into my neck delicately, pulling my ass back into him as he wrapped his arms around me. "It's still early."

"I know, go back to sleep."

"No because you'll leave."

"I can't stay here all day."

"Why not?" I sighed. "Got any plans?" Lie.



"I do. I've got a presentation to make for my dad on who we should sack. I've got content to film and edit. I'm a busy girl." His lips continued pressing into my skin and I almost, almost, forgot that I wanted to go.

"I'll make you a deal Willow. Stay for breakfast. I'll cook you some pancakes, make coffee and then I'll personally drive you to the station." His voice is so sweet. Deep and smooth. His scent clinging to my skin like it was my own. I was in a dream world right now. Where everything was sunshine and rainbows and I knew the champagne form last night was still in my system. Dom Perignon. What idiot loses all inhibitions after one glass of expensive champagne.

"Deal." I nodded, sinking my head into the pillow a little further. He chuckled. "Pancakes for breakfast. How am I supposed to refuse that?" He laughed again, lips on my shoulder.

"I knew there'd be something that would make you stay a little longer." His body moved back, pulling me until I turned over. "I still don't have your number." I giggled, running my fingers over the lipstick marks on his chest, just hoping to change the topic. "What?"

"Do you know how bad this colour stains? You're going to look bruised to hell."


"I left a few bruises too."

"What?" I nodded and he carefully climbed out of the bed, boxers tight and doing absolutely nothing to hide his hard on. He peered in the mirror, tugging at the bruises littering all over his neck, shoulder and chest. "Jesus." I sat up slowly. "How bad does it stain?"

"Pretty bad. Worse the longer it's on your skin. It's on your face too." His eyes went wide, lifting up to his face before turning around.

"Want a shower?"

"I'll have one at home."

"Well, I need to get this off."

"Then shower." He sighed, coming back and kissing me quickly. "I really want pancakes."

"I won't be long." I nodded, watching him closely as he headed to the bathroom, scratches all the way down his back matching the ones on his chest. The second the door closed I climbed out of the bed, listening to the shower turn on and grabbing my dress from his side of the bed, pulling it on quickly, getting out of the room. I had absolutely no intention of staying for pancakes. Rule number 5. Do not stay for breakfast. I'd already broken rule 9. I didn't need to make this worse. I quickly put my heels on, fastening them tight and grabbing my bag, texting Steve. He was always around the corner on a morning. I really hope he doesn't let me down today. "Willow?" Shit. I turned the key in the door. His feet padding against the floor upstairs. "You said you'd stay for breakfast." I turned, looking at him, stood at the top of the stairs in just a towel, water dripping down his perfectly toned skin. Bruised and scratched and skill stained with my makeup.

"Sorry Ace. Rule number 5 is no staying for breakfast." He narrowed his eyes slightly, face filled with confusion and I'd be lying if, for the first time, a tiny part of me didn't want to apologise and explain that this is just how it is with me. That there was ever going to be a possibility of it being anything more than just the once. But I didn't. I shot him a soft smile. "Have a good day."

I pulled the door shut behind me, walking down the stairs carefully, stepping over the path with my head held high, pulling on Steve's car door.

"WILLOW." I turned my head again. "Are you serious right now? You said you'd stay."

"I told you my name was Willow too, Ace. Doesn't mean it's true." He narrowed his eyes and I pressed my lips together, giving him a little wave and getting into the car, Steve taking off as soon as the door closed.

Maybe I should calm down on these a little because fuck me that one sucked. 

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