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"Who's the target tonight then Willow?" Kenzie chuckled. I'd been sat in this bar for over 2 hours now. They'd sought out who they wanted whilst I was just quietly sipping my Old Fashioned. I looked around the room, filled with plenty of possibilities. I hadn't missed the ones that were interested. Their eyes had been on me whilst I had been sitting, observing, never looking at them for more than a few seconds that they'd notice. The girls went quiet as one of them approached.

White shirt barely buttoned, showing off the glimpse of a tattoo on his chest. The sleeves of said shirt were rolled up, just to the middle of his thick forearms and I couldn't work out if that was because he wanted to show off the very evident veins in his arms, his watch or if it was just his style. A cross hung loosely around his neck and that was normally a good sign for a very good night.

"I'm going to be completely honest. My friends didn't think I'd get the courage to come and speak to you and I had to do 3 shots before I came over." I moved my eyes down to my glass for a second, wondering purely if I should order another just so this guy might, potentially leave me alone. I didn't want to be here. Not tonight. Push through it Tori. Drink some more, you'll be fine.

"So, you're telling me you had to shoot your shot?" He smiled, chuckling as he took the seat next to me and I turned slightly.

"I'm Ezra."


"Pretty name for a very pretty girl." I sipped my drink. "So, can I buy you a drink Willow?" No. Say no, go home.

"Sure." That's not no Tori. He ordered them. Just asking for another of what I had already. I don't know what was up with me today but I felt beyond delicate. Like one wrong move was going to send me into an unforgiving spiral of self-deprecation. I wasn't feeling it. Any of it. Normally being out here like this, having guys pining for me when I look this good. I feel beyond powerful. Like a superhero that is never going to be defeated. Now I was strapped to a table with a laser about to destroy me and I didn't have anyone to save me. No distractions. No explosions in the distance. Terrified.

I took the new drink, swirling it carefully.

"Tell me about yourself then Willow. What do you do?"

"Um. I'm a PA."

"Sounds fun."

"It is." I nodded. "What about you?"

"I'm a lawyer."

"Oh wow. What kind?" He chuckled, going on to explain his job in grave detail. I'd learned months ago that guys like him loved to talk about himself. They liked to feel important and like they had all of the power in this dynamic. It's why they always looked so shocked when I was the one leaving quickly the next morning. Because they were under the impression I'd be begging to stay. That they'd be kicking me out that morning maybe after a second round. They were all the same book with a different cover.

I finished the drink, looking over my shoulder quickly to see my friends gone. Nothing to pretend for now.

"Look, Ezra was it?" He nodded. "I'm going to be honest. I'm just out here for appearances tonight. I'm not going home with anyone. Thanks for the drink, and the conversation, I appreciate it. If you want, tell your friends I was too worried I'd fall in love with you. But I'm going home. Have a good rest of your night." He sighed, standing up and letting me out.

"Let me walk you out. I'll skip this place and tell them we went home." I smiled softly. "If you're standing me up, this is the least you can do." Attitude. He put his hand on my hip, guiding me through the crowd and out of the club where I promptly stepped out of his grip, ordering an Uber since I knew Steve would be home right now and it's too long to wait for him. "Why were you out keeping up appearances?"

"I had a shit day at the office and didn't want to let my friends down." He nodded slowly. "Nothing on you. You seem perfectly nice, normally would be the type I'd be leaving with."

"So why don't we?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You clearly need to relax a little. We don't need to do anything, go back to my place or anything. We can just walk to another bar or wander around. You can talk it out." I smiled, shaking my head as I sighed.

"Talking it out with a total stranger isn't an option. No, I'm fine. Thanks, though Ezra, I appreciate it. I'm sure there's some girl out here tonight who's going to have the night of her life. Maybe I'll see you out again when it's been a less crappy week." My Uber pulled up and I turned to Ezra, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. Have a good night."

"Wait." He dug in his pocket, pulling out a business card and handing it to me. "Next time you're out or need a lawyer or just want someone to talk to, let me know. I'm not far from here." I took the card, nodding at him slowly before turning and getting into the car.

I was exhausted. I wanted to go home and get into my pyjamas and sleep it off. Having a lawyer's number was never a bad idea. I pulled my phone out of my bag, adding him as a contact with today's date and Lawyer next to his surname. I don't know if I ever got into trouble and needed some advice it could work in my favour.

What are you doing tonight?
Are you out?

My skin tingled, stomach burning as I read the 2 texts again. An hour ago, they'd dropped into my phone and I didn't even feel it buzz when I was in my head. I didn't need to ask who it was. Next to no one had my number. Only people I wanted to have it or that I was expecting to contact me. I guess I was kind of expecting him to text me at some point. I didn't want him to but I knew it was coming. A single tear slipped down my cheek and I wiped it quickly, sitting up straight and reframing myself. Must be allergies or something. I don't cry.

Was. Heading home. 

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