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"Tor, I've got to run out for a few babe. I forgot-" I pushed the bedroom door closed as he tried to open it. "What are you doing?"

"You want it to be a proper first date you can't see me until I'm ready."

"It's not a first date."

"I'm not having this conversation again Ace." He sighed behind the door, making me roll my eyes, I pulled it open a little, sticking my head around it. "What?"

"You're eyes look so blue today." Why is he so cute? My stomach flipped. I'd picked out the right dress judging by his shirt and dress pants. I'd been taken on dates before but I don't think I'd ever been as excited as I was for tonight.

"Thank you. I need to get ready though." He sighed.

"I need to run out for something I forgot. I won't be long."

"Okay." He took a step forward, kissing the tip of my nose and I shook my head at him, watching as he walked back down the hall without another word. He was perfect. That's the only way to describe Asher. Soppy and cute with a side that made you question if you were sure he wasn't just the devil in disguise but the most supportive guy in history.

My dad had shown up yesterday, furiously tapping his foot on the doorstep when I answered, still in pyjamas at 10am. I was serious about quitting if he was going to continue breaking my boundaries. He wanted me in there. He wanted me to take over with Emmett. I knew for a fact with my experience, there is companies out there that would be dying for my help. Sure, I'd take a drop in pay but I have plenty of savings and the house was fully paid for between me and dad anyway so I didn't need to think about that. It was just monthly bills which in all honesty, my 2 back up jobs would be able to pay for, anything else was savings and spending.

The rant I'd gotten from him was beyond anything I've ever known. I haven't heard him shout like that well, ever. I just stood there with my arms crossed refusing to take his threats or break my boundaries I'd set. I'd spoken to Ash about it for a while Thursday night, knowing him or Emmett would show up when I didn't go in and I was still ignoring their calls.

The doorbell rang and I checked the time sighing that I was ready early and that Ash had disappeared for whatever. I hated answering the door when I was home alone. I was still getting used to not having people home. I used to be out constantly, finding some work to do somewhere. Now I was just finding ways to stay home honestly. Apparently I was a home body. Who knew?

The door knocked again and I grumbled, carefully coming down the stairs as quick as I could without slipping in my heels.

"Alright. I'm coming, hold on, Jesus." They knocked again and I swear I might just sit on this step and make them wait. I pulled the door open, shifting the weight onto my hip when a beaming Asher stood with his hands behind his back. "Forget your key?"

"Nope." I dropped my hands down to my side when he pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. What do I do? Or say? I have no idea. No one's ever bought me flowers before. Ever. "You look stunning Tori." He stepped forward, kissing my cheek gently, taking my hand and handing the flowers to me. "Ready to go?"

"Um. I just need-" I let my fingers play with the petals of the flowers delicately before looking back up at him.

"You okay?"

"No one's bought me flowers before." He chuckled, ushering me back into the house with a hand on the small of my back.

"Go get what you need sweetheart. I'll sort them. Our reservations in half an hour and we've got a drive. If I don't get you out of this house in the next 5 minutes I'm worried I won't make it out with you looking like that so go on." He pushed me gently towards the stairs, wandering off down to the kitchen with my flowers.

6 months ago, the idea of having a guy around this much made me want to go on a rampage. I couldn't have imagined anything worse. But walking up the stairs, listening to Asher humming one of his favourite songs for the millionth time, I realised how much I enjoyed having him here. I knew eventually he'd have to go back to his own place and after living with him for 3 months, I was dreading it. I didn't want to live here alone. I wanted to wake up to him in sweatpants, cooking pancakes dancing to the radio. I want Wednesday Scrabble night that gets more chaotic as we get more competitive, screaming at each other that words aren't words, stealing tiles or hiding ones we don't want. I want to point at the TV mid show and tell him I recognise the actor and then go on a spiral of where we know them from. I want our spur of the moment walks around London between meetings and car rides to the countryside on a weekend. Much more specifically, I want it with Ash.

I grabbed my jacked and bag from my bed, leaning over to check my makeup one last time before heading back down the stairs. My relationship with feelings was complicated. Most girls that are as against relationships as I am have a reason. Kenzie is a great example of that. She's had 3 relationships where she has known she was in love. Crazily, stupidly in love. One cheated on her, one just vanished 2 years into their relationship and one pushed her down a flight of stairs just because the football team he supports lost a match. A broken leg, fractured pelvis and 3 months of being laid up in recovery confirmed it wasn't worth the hassle for her. Lexi's parents had apparently had a flawless marriage. Until she turned 19 and found out that their fairytale was filled with affairs, secret families and abuse she wouldn't fully disclose. My parents had married because it was easy. Dad had had an affair when I was younger and yet they stayed together. It wasn't a love filled marriage. They spent as little time together as possible. Much alike how much they spent with us unless it was work related. But unlike the other girls, I hadn't had a personal bad experience. Not really. The Leon thing but that wasn't anything that would turn you away.

I'd had 2 relationships in high school and college. I just got bored, ending them 3 months in when I was sick of seeing them constantly.

"I did not think it was possible for anyone to be as beautiful as you are right now."

After living with Ash for 3 months, knowing him for nearly 6. I don't think he's someone I'd ever get sick of seeing. 

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