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Tuesday afternoons were pretty much a free for all. It was pretty rare I had any meetings anywhere and I'd taken to jumping around cafes to avoid my dad and Emmett. This weekend had felt a little strange. Waking up in a stranger's bed Saturday morning felt off. That's the best and only way to explain it. I can't say it had ever felt normal exactly but it felt almost wrong this week. I think I'm going to take a step back for a few weeks. I needed to work on the courses anyway.

Today was editing for Kenz. I liked to keep my head down when I'm doing this and headphones in, blasting music whilst I'm reading and fixing people's works was the easiest way to do it. She'd given me a few extra pieces this week because someone had called in sick for a few days and it had created a back log. Not a problem to me, I wasn't going to turn down the extra boost to my savings.

I don't know what I was saving for at this point. I'd love to have my own place, closer to the centre on London so I could cut back on travel time. St. Albans is amazing. It's so beautiful and peaceful and I love that it's out there, but the hour travel to and from work every day is annoying and I'm getting sick of being stuck in traffic.

I sighed, opening Rightmove on my browser and taking a quick look. Dad has always said he puts money to one side for when we both decide to move out. I wasn't sure exactly how much was in that pot right now but I know he had hinted at Emmett that he could buy a place in a good area of London and not really worry about it. Dad also didn't see the need for us to get a mortgage. He'd always been very adamant on him just paying for the place we chose as long as it was suitable. He didn't want us living in apartments. Said it just looked a little tacky for a Kennedy to be living like that.

I did know that dad had been saving money his entire life. He'd been making millions in profits since I was about 3 and he'd been putting most of that in savings. I'd love to be able to put my own money into a house but to be in central London where I needed to be to save on travel, I don't think my £500,000 of savings would even scratch the surface. Decent places look to be around 3 to 4 million. I was still a few years away from having that, even with my interest rising. I could find the time to pick up another income source. Maybe pick up more from Kenzie. Or get a pay rise form dad. Lord knows I don't get paid enough there. God growing up sucks. I wish I'd started saving sooner.

"You look bitter." I closed my eyes. How?

"Are you stalking me Caswell?" I removed an earphone, continuing to scroll as he helped himself to a seat pulling it around the table so he could sit beside me. "Oh, by all means, sit relax, take the weight off."

"Thanks, really kind of you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm literally in a back street coffee shop. You cannot tell me you just so happen to go here."

"Believe it or not I do. They do these homemade filled cookies here that are phenomenal. Want one?"

"From you? No." He chuckled, taking my earphone from the table and putting it in his ear. I wasn't even in the mood to argue about it. He wasn't going to be getting any extra attention from me just because he was pissing me off. He wasn't getting his way on this.


"Thinking about it."

"Where do you live now?"

"With my parents."

"You're a woman of many words aren't you?" Another eye roll as I sipped the last of my coffee. "Would you look at that, you finished your drink. Want another?"

"No. I'm good." I closed my laptop. I could really go for another coffee. Not here though. I'd catch a train to the other side of London if I had to. Maybe I should just go home. Can't bump into him there. That sounds like a plan actually. Home.

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