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Why wasn't I fighting it? I was just letting him pull me by my wrist through the office, out the doors and into disabled toilet that never got used up here. My heart pounding in my chest and still, I wasn't saying a word. I could. I know for a fact I could and I should and this was a bad idea. A very very bad idea.

He pushed my hips back against the door, hard enough for it to shake, giving me a slight jolt of shocking pain.

"I've had enough of this game Tori. I don't mind playing but you have to play fair."

"I'm not-"

"You sat there and just told me about some other guy railing you this weekend like we were nothing-"


"And don't you dare spew your shit about it being nothing, just being a one-night stand. You know just as well as I do that it was the best sex either of us have ever had and you haven't stopped thinking about it as much as me. I can see it on your face every time you see me Tori. That same fucking blush that makes me want to just take you wherever we are." I gulped as he wrapped a hand around my neck, gently squeezing at the sides. "So, unless you have a good enough reason that isn't your fucking rules, I'm going to." Very very very bad idea. The worst idea.

Staring at me, he waited for my answer, free hand moving under my skirt gripping my thigh tightly. It's no use. My body was betraying me already. Heavy breathing, hands reaching out to get another touch. One more feel of his skin.

"Stop lying about wanting me Tori. I'm yours to take."

One more hit couldn't hurt right?

I mean. It can't. It wouldn't. Once more and I'm done. I swear.

"I hate you." The words stumbled out as I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss me. He smiled against my lips, taking the hand off my neck, bending down to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips tugging at his tee-shirt to get it off.

With my skirt ridden up over my ass, he put me down on the counter edge, breaking the kiss so I could throw his top to the floor.

"I knew it." Ash traced his kisses down my neck, quickly unbuttoning my shirt and sending that to the floor too. "I knew you wanted more. I knew it wasn't a one-night thing."

"Stop fucking talking Ace." He chuckled.

"It's growing on me." I rolled my eyes, reaching for his pants and unbuttoning them as he continued kissing along my chest.

"This is the last time this is happening. Don't think this is permanent." He chuckled as his pants fell to the floor. "I'm serious."

"I know you are baby." Chills. This entire thing was covering me in goosebumps and sitting here in this puddle was not fucking helping. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lifting so he could pull my underwear off. "Desperate huh?"

"I need to be back out there when your dad finishes that meeting."

"I'll take as long as I need to take with you Tori."

"10 minutes and I'm out that door." He lifted his head to look at me, raising an eyebrow and running his hands up my thighs. Slowly. So slowly I wasn't even sure he was moving and fuck me, I needed him to be.

"I don't listen to demands Tori. That's not how this works. You do as I tell you, not the other way around." I scowled at him. No chance. He is not in control here. His hand wrapped back around my neck, abruptly pushing my legs further open and stepping in between them so I couldn't close them. His rough thumb gently swiped over the top of my leg, millimetres from touching where I wanted him to be and the anticipation was suffocating. "Right here Tori. I'm telling you right now, keep playing your games. Keep sleeping around, try out every fucking guy in London as far as I care. But each time you do, I'll make sure I fucking remind you who's you are."

"I don't belong to anyone."

"Wrong." He smirked, plunging his fingers into me. "You belong to me. You're mine Victoria. Whether you believe in it or not, I strongly believe we're tied together." I whimpered. Fingers weren't enough.

"A-Ash. I need you. Please."

"You need what Tori?" I went to reach for him and he pulled his hand out of me, pressing my hand into his chest. "Tell me."


"You've got me Tori. Give me specifics baby." I swallowed. Was he actually going to make me beg? He knew what I meant. Why was he making this so fucking difficult?

"I need your dick." He smiled, dropping my hand and pulling me to the counter edge. Very slowly, he ran himself over my entrance, making me shudder every time he hit my clit. "Ash."

"Say it again."

"Ash." He put the tip in and I rolled my hips, wanting, needing more.


"Ash please." Asher put his arms under my legs, grasping my hips tight and pulling me from the counter, slowly lowering me down his length. I held onto his neck tightly, biting my lip to stifle my own moans as he grunted quietly. With each time he pulled me down his dick, my body felt like it was going to explode. All the way down to my fingertips, grasping the back of his neck, pressing my fingernails into his skin.

"Quiet baby. Nice and quiet whilst I fuck your tight little pussy." He looked down at the space between us and let out a short breath. "I need you from behind Tori. In the mirror." I nodded and he slowly put me down, turning me around quickly. Ash pulled my thigh up onto the counter and it's like my brain had been planning this all along. He tugged on my hips slightly, pushing back into me quickly, forcing a moan out of my mouth. His eyes went wide, moving a hand to cover my mouth and I bit down on the inside of his finger.

Watching him in the mirror was a sight I was bound to never forget. From the sound filling the bathroom, the hand around my mouth, other on my shoulder, pulling me back against him time and time again, the way he kept looking down like he couldn't quite believe it was happening again.

"Fuck Tori." I bit down a little harder, quietening another moan. "You're so close aren't you?" I nodded. "I can feel. Hold it." I squeezed my eyes shut quickly taking a slow breath. I was literally on the brink. "I'm nearly there too baby. Hold it. Not yet." I'm going to kill him. His thrusts sped up, making it even harder as the orgasm I was holding back was burning into my muscles, making my legs shaky. "Okay now."

That release was instantaneous. Stopping me from breathing as the room light up a bright white again. For some stupid reason, an orgasm from Asher hit harder than any guy I've slept with. Ever. It was almost chaotic the way it built up so quickly with him. I wasn't embarrassed by it. I just hated that it made me crave more.

He fell forward, head collapsing against the skin of my back, panting as he left soft kisses anywhere he could.

"Mine." He whispered, continuing to lay kisses everywhere. My post- orgasm haze wasn't giving me the ability to respond. Tongue completely disabled even as everything slowly came back into focus.

A very, very, very bad idea.

The worst.

Because now the addiction was fully fucking cemented and I needed to find a replacement that wasn't this dangerous.

Looks like I am going out tonight.


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