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"What the hell did you make me order?"

"I didn't make you order anything. You just said you'd have the same as me." I snapped the lid off my drink, using the straw to eat the whipped cream topping. The best bit of a Frappuccino I swear. He continued looking at the drink, turning it around in his hand like it was something so foreign it was going to kill him. "It's like a coffee milkshake."

"That sounds vile."

"You like caramel lattes right? Like Mark?"

"My dad. Yeah."

"His names Mark, I'm not calling him your dad. It's weird. It's basically a cold version."

"An iced caramel latte?"

"A little creamier no ice floating around. Try it." He looked at me like I was trying to kill him, very slowly bringing the straw to his lips and taking a sip. His eyes snapped down to it when he tasted, holding it up in complete shock which made me laugh at him.

"Okay. I get it."

"See. All the drama over nothing." I sat back in the seat a little, trying to make myself feel less on edge as I broke yet another rule for him. I didn't want to class this as a date but the more I thought about it, the more it felt like one and rule 3 was to tell the girls when I was on one. I hadn't.

This wasn't a part of the plan to not be entertaining him. He just made it so easy you know? It was hard to say no to him. He was determined to get his way in having me sitting here with him and I know he'd only have walked me to my car and continued his barrage until I eventually agreed.

"So, Victoria Kennedy. How was your weekend?"

"You've asked me that 4 times now."

"I know and you still haven't given me a straight answer so I'm asking again."

"It was fine, honestly. Nothing major. Same as every weekend before."

"Every weekend?"

"Every weekend. And yes before you ask because I can tell this is what you're hinting at, I was out Friday night and yes I did end up somewhere else."

"I wasn't asking that."

"Didn't need to. I could see it whirring around your head." He sighed.

"We said no defences Tori." I was making it perfectly clear right now that he wasn't special for what happened last weekend. "What else did you do?"

"Normal stuff. Gym, edited some stuff for Kenzie. Argued with my dad and brother about something stupid. Completely normal people things. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same, the gym, family dinner. My dad loves you. You know that right? He's been singing your praises for the past 2 months. Victoria Kennedy this and Tori that. I honestly thought he was having an affair." I choked on my drink, Asher bursting into laughter, handing me a napkin.

"I cannot think of anything worse. Mark's sweet and all but married men are not my type."

"What is your type?"

"Okay if you want to keep me 'defenceless' in your words, let's not come in with loaded questions like that shall we?"

"You're right. I know it's me. I'm just teasing." I rolled my eyes. He wasn't wrong. Maybe a little more dangerous. Blood on his hands wouldn't be a turn off.

"You're really full of yourself you know."

"And you're not?"

"It's a dangerous world out here for a girl. Sink or swim."

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