Act I - Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first work- all of these are cross-posted on AO3 so apologies if I forget to edit smth AO3-related

I've consumed more Jihan content than I'd like to admit, and I have to admit that the Jihan tag is a little dead for me!! 😬 so I decided to write something to add, don't worry about inconsistent updates or anything like that because I have this entire fic pre-written, completed, and ready to go 👍🏼 it's just a matter of copy pasting it and changing all the formatting.

You won't be seeing any more of these beginning long notes in the following chapters, I just wanted to put this as a preface and I guess as an introduction? I have a separate chapter as a reflection on my thoughts about this fic and all of that "author's note" sort of stuff. I purposely put it at the end of the fic because I didn't want my little Easter eggs and things like that to take away from the flow of reading the story, yk?

If you want, feel free to listen to the songs that I link in the beginning while reading- but if you don't that's okay too, won't take away from the experience or anything. I tried to pick songs that best reflected the vibe of the chapter, some of the may fit better/worse than others.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!


'Falling For U' - Seventeen


"Where are you, my happiness?
The entirety of my happiness is now here,
I'm so glad that I've found you."


That morning, Joshua had decided to make his favourite recipe for French toast. He wanted something sweet for breakfast- even though he knew it wasn't the best thing for them to eat first thing in the morning.

Helping him were Mingyu and Chan, both eager to assist their hyung. Mingyu was shuffling through the pantry for the eggs until Chan quickly corrected him and directed him to the fridge,

"The eggs are in the fridge, idiot, they'd go bad if we left them out." He smacked him on the back of the head, maybe it was a little too early...

"Oh, right..." Mingyu laughed sheepishly, as he rummaged through the fridge and found a few eggs, then cracked them into a shallow dish.

"So hyung, it's been awhile since you went jogging, when are you gonna go again?" Chan asked, mixing in other ingredients to the egg mixture.

"Hmm you're right. The weather is getting nicer these days, maybe I should." Joshua thought to himself. He used this opportunity to tease Chan,

"Why don't you go out for some jogging, Chan? I swear you lifters hate cardio." Joshua looked over at Chan, who was directly on his left, whisking the ingredients together on the kitchen counter.

"I don't hate cardio, are you kidding me? I'm not the main dancer of our group for nothing, come on now, hyung. You should tell that to Mingyu-hyung, not me. That guy is allergic to the treadmill." He laughed, poking Mingyu beside him.

"Is it true?" Joshua, the instigator, reached into the fridge for a stick of butter with a smirk on his face. He opened it up and put a small square into the pan and watched it melt.

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