Act IV - Chapter 13

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'Ready to Love' - Seventeen


"I'm ready to love.

Tell me, can we stay together?


I'm a fool of love for you"


Joshua didn't want to make any bad, distrustful assumptions about the situation but he had his speculations. He thought about why Jeonghan might have kissed him, and one reason he thought of was that he did it out of pity. But then that begs the question, who the fuck kisses their best friend out of pity?

Joshua's speculation was that Jeonghan knows he likes him, and that's why he did it out of pity. Then, the question after that would be: how did he find out? Well, there was only one person he told about his feelings.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Seungkwan, did anyone find out about- you know..." He asked, not wanting to immediately accuse him of breaking their promise. The only person who knew about his feelings for Jeonghan was Seungkwan, so Joshua called him to see if he had any explanation.

"Uhh no? I don't think so. I haven't told anyone- just like I promised, hyung." Seungkwan replied calmly.

"Why do you ask? Did he talk to you about it??" Seungkwan pressed on.

"Well... n-not exactly." Joshua felt his heart race, remembering their kiss.

"I'm confused, what makes you think he know-"

"Is there any way that anyone could have found out from you?? Maybe they heard us or something??" Joshua kept asking, seeking confirmation.

"Hyung, really, what's gotten into you all of a sudden? I swear on my LIFE I didn't tell anyone, and I haven't even talked about it at all- not even out loud to myself- since we last saw each other, so there's no way they could've overheard me!" Seungkwan assured.

"T-Then why did he kiss me yesterday?!" Joshua panicked.

On the other side, Seungkwan nearly spat out his coffee.

"He did WHAT!?" He gave his phone a look with wide eyes, as if he was looking at Joshua himself through the phone.

"Would you quiet down!? If you're at the dorm, other people might hear you!"

Unfortunately, someone already had.

Vernon had been keeping a close eye on Seungkwan ever since he replied to the group chat. He found it suspicious that Seungkwan allegedly didn't know anything. Seungkwan was on the phone in front of the dorm, and Vernon was listening to his conversation from behind a nearby tree. He couldn't hear who he was talking to but he assumed it was Joshua. 'I knew it.'

"Sorry, sorry." Seungkwan softened the volume of his voice, and Vernon had to lean in a bit closer to hear, trying to make out any valuable information.

"Why would he do... THAT?" Seungkwan was dumbfounded, none of this made sense.

"I have no idea! That's why I'm asking if you told anyone or if he found out somehow! I thought he might have done it because he felt bad for me."

"Well, we've barely been in contact with Jeo- him. The other members started a group chat for this whole thing and apparently he didn't say anything about it either. They asked me if I knew anything but I denied it, of course. I feel bad for not telling them..." Bingo. Vernon's suspicions were confirmed. Seungkwan definitely knew what was going on with Joshua. He wanted to feel disappointed and upset that Seungkwan didn't tell them, but he could understand that he was just trying to respect Joshua's wishes. Nonetheless, he planned to bring it up with the group later. He listened on,

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