Act I - Chapter 4

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'7PM' - BSS ft. Peder Elias*

*there's also a cover by Joshua if you want to listen to that one instead


"Been a long day,

but it's okay,

'cause at seven you will be

Be here with me"


He knocks on the door and Jeonghan asks who it is, he says it's him and Jeonghan immediately lets him in, hair still wet. The sight makes Joshua's heart skip a beat, but he ignores it.

"Hey Joshuji, what's up?" He steps out of the way, allowing Joshua to enter. He remembers Seungcheol asking him to say 'hi' on his behalf, but he decides not to.

"Hi Hannie, did you just take a shower?" he asked, making some small talk, of course he knew he took a shower.

"Yeah, this new shampoo you recommended to me is doing wonders for my hair" he sniffs his hair, and then his towel, reeling his head back in pleasure. "It smells amazing."

Joshua takes a seat on the bed, and giggles, "I'm glad you like it. I knew you'd like the scent, it reminded me of you."

"Ah, I almost forgot, you left your toothbrush in our bathroom from when you last slept over- whenever that was." He waggled the toothbrush in Joshua's face.

"Oh! I was wondering where I left that, I thought I lost it so I opened up a new one this morning..." He reaches out to grab it, but Jeonghan pulls his hand away.

"H-Hey! Give it back!"

"Why don't you just leave it here then? You should stay over for the night. I'm gonna ask Seungcheol out tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit nervous. I think I'd feel a lot better..." He took a seat beside Joshua on the bed and plopped his head on his shoulder, "if you stayed over."

"You think? What if you're wrong?" he teased Jeonghan, feeling that same weird sinking feeling in his chest- but heavier this time. He ignored it. He enjoyed these moments he shared with Jeonghan, nothing to feel bad about.

"Shuaa..." he whined and pouted, latching onto his arm.

"Okay, okay, I'll stay over. You paid for my meal today, so consider it repayment."

"You're the best!" He gave him a side hug and Joshua patted him on his head.

"Before I forget..." Joshua started. Jeonghan let go, and looked at him with mild curiosity.

Joshua reached into his pocket and brought out the bracelet he made. Simple, but elegant. It had a few of those cute beads that he had bought before.

"I made another bracelet, it's for you." He cups the bracelet in his hands and holds them out to Jeonghan. Jeonghan's eyes widen slightly, and his lips form a small 'o' on his face.

"Ah, it looks so cute!" He carefully picks it up out of Joshua's hands and admires it, then slides it onto his wrist, twirling it around.

"How do I look?" He strikes a few dramatic poses with the bracelet up to his face. Joshua giggles, gently patting the back of Jeonghan's head- a habit of his.

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