Act I - Chapter 2

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'IF you leave me' - Seventeen


"If you leave in the distant future
I probably won't be able to live
I know it's not gonna happen
But just imagining it makes me cry"


"J-Jeonghan! Put that down! You'll mix up all the colours." Joshua exclaimed; Jeonghan was snooping around Joshua's room and found the container of beads he was using for making bracelets.

"Do you really need this many beads? Are you planning to make bracelets for all of our Carats or something?" He picked up a small bead and inspected it. Joshua cupped a hand underneath his, and freed the bead from Jeonghan's fingers with his free hand, returning it to its rightful place.

"Yes, I do. And no, I'm not making bracelets for all of our Carats- I think I'd get carpal tunnel." Joshua rolled his eyes and closed the container, returning it back into his drawer. Jeonghan seemed to have a habit of looking through Joshua's stuff nowadays, a sign of his boredom.

"Let's watch a movie or something, Joshuji~" Jeonghan chimed, lazily grabbing onto Joshua's arm and shaking it, now that he finally had his attention.

"Jeonghan, it's getting late. I want to sleep early today. We can watch a movie tomorrow, okay?" Joshua grabbed onto the other's hand.

"Aw... okay, okay." Jeonghan sulked, letting go of his hand.

"Do you wanna play a game or something? I'm bored, Joshuji." Jeonghan sat down on the bed, and rested his weight behind him on his hands.

Jeonghan got extra chatty when he was bored, combined with Joshua being focused on his bracelets instead of him. Don't get it wrong, Joshua absolutely loved having Jeonghan around. It was second nature, but sometimes it got on his nerves- I mean, who can blame him? Sometimes you just want some peace and quiet. He can't entertain him all the time.

"Jeonghan-" Before he could finish answering, Jeonghan interrupted him.

"Hey, are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, not really, why?" Joshua tilted his head.

"Remember that... thing we've been talking about lately?" Jeonghan hesitated and avoided eye contact.

"I... wanted to talk to you about it."

"O-Oh... that. Right. Okay. Sure." Joshua also found himself looking away, clearing his throat.

"I'll come back here at twelve noon, and we'll head out together?" Jeonghan looked back up.

"Okay, sounds good."

"Great, good night, Joshuji~" He got up and gave Joshua a big squeeze, Joshua returned it with a single arm around his back.

"Good night Hannie." He escorted Jeonghan out of his room and gave him a little wave while watching him get further and further.

Joshua feels a sense of dread for the next day and he feels nervous for whatever reason. This puzzles him, and he rationalises to himself:

'It must be because Jeonghan was all ambiguous about it, and the uncertainty is causing me anxiety.'

He knows exactly what tomorrow's meeting is for, and it doesn't upset him, they're best friends- why would he be upset? 'I'm probably just mistaking excitement for anxiety.'

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