Act V - Chapter 15

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'Rock With You' - Seventeen


"Even if the world is ending,

I wanna rock with you.

I wanna stay with you."


It was about evening, and Jeonghan spent the entire day thinking about how he was going to talk to Seungcheol. Now that he thought about it, he must've confused the hell out of him. His feelings for Joshua were so clear that it was almost like it was in front of him the entire time but he just didn't bother opening his eyes. This must have been what Seungcheol was talking about when he asked him out.

"I'm glad you asked me out, Jeonghan- but I'm kind of surprised."


"W-Well I didn't think you had any interest in me. It was just obvious your eyes were elsewhere. It just seemed like- y'know? You and...?"

"What are you talking about?"

He was clearly talking about Joshua. The reason why he was worried about them going out was because it was so obvious that he and Joshua had a 'thing' going on together, and Jeonghan cringes remembering his own density. How the hell was he going to admit such a stupid mistake? What, was he just gonna go up to him and say:

"Hey, Seungcheol. Uh so like I didn't actually know I had feelings for Joshua even though I'm all over him- could we like, break up or something? My bad, bro."

Oh well. It was a start. Maybe he could go talk to another member for advice. He left his room and went looking for- anyone, really.

'Maybe one of the guys I talked to in the living room is here.'

Jeonghan knows that Seokmin is good at expressing those kinds of sentiments- as seen in his long ass paragraph texts- so he went looking for him first. He tried knocking on his door.

No response.

Okay, whatever. He probably went out or something. Jeonghan went to the room of the next person he thought of, Minghao.

... also not there. And the same thing happened for three more people that he had thought of.

'Weird... am I just unlucky or something? How the hell did I manage to pick the people who aren't home?' He started going around, opening doors and realized that it wasn't just by coincidence that no one he visited was there- the entire dorm was empty.

"What the fuck?" He audibly said, confused. He tried texting some people, but no one responded either.

'Where the hell is everyone? Did I forget a schedule or something? No way, they wouldn't leave me alone. Did... they all go out somewhere without me? Okay... whatever then... I guess?'

Jeonghan checked the time and decided he'd think about it over dinner. He was hungry from all the thinking, and the dorm just reminded him of that tense feeling he had the entire week. While he was at it, he just decided 'Ah, fuck it.' and texted Seungcheol to meet up with him, without any preparation.


After Jeonghan had left, the other members had returned. They all decided to start looking around the company building and when they didn't find him there, they worked together to come up with some sort of game plan of what they were gonna do when they found Joshua; what they were going to tell him, how they were going to support him, all of that stuff. But when they got back to the dorm, Joshua wasn't there.

"W-What- Where the FUCK is he!?!" Jihoon slapped both of his hands on his head, exiting Joshua's empty room. A few of them had gone to grab him while the others waited in the living room (there were ten of them, so they couldn't exactly fit in the hallway even if they wanted to).

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