Act I - Chapter 3

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'Thinkin' about you' - Seventeen


"Honestly, I'm frustrated.
Why am I like this?
I still don't know why.
Time, with each day that passes,
won't give me the answer to this question"


It took Joshua about an hour to get ready, he was very picky about how his outfit looked and carefully adjusted the tuck of his shirt in his pants. He fiddled around with his hair a bit more before hearing a knock on the door.

"Joshuji! Are you ready?" It was Jeonghan, at his door, 12PM sharp.

"Yeah! Just give me a minute!" Joshua messed with his bangs one last time before grabbing his bag and opening the door.

"Looking good, Joshuji! Let's go?" Jeonghan gave him a little smile, and Joshua nodded in response. Jeonghan leads them out of the dorm.

Joshua... didn't actually know where they were going. He just kept following Jeonghan, walking closely behind him.

"Why are you walking behind me? Come here." Jeonghan reached out for Joshua's hand and took it in his- unknowingly comforting Joshua's nerves.

'God... why do I feel so nervous? Jeonghan and I have hung out many times before- why is this time so much different?'

He may be dense, but he wasn't that dense. Joshua obviously knew the reason why he was so nervous- he just didn't want to think about it.

'I'm just excited. I have to stop mistaking excitement for anxiety. I'm not anxious, I'm just excited. I'm not anxious, I'm just excited.'

He repeated it to himself until the two of them reached their destination. It was their common hang out spot, a café close to the dorms. They let go of each other's hands as they enter, and they stare upwards at the menu.

"What are you getting?" Jeonghan asks, sensing the tension.

"Um... I'm not really sure." Since when did ordering become so anxiety-inducing?

"Oh, I know what you want. Let me order it for you." Jeonghan said, smugly.

"You do? What, are you a mind reader now?" Joshua couldn't help but smile at his confidence.

"You just watch. Go and sit down, you'll see." Jeonghan said with determination and shooed Joshua away. Joshua rolled his eyes and went to sit down.

"If I say I don't like it, I'm not paying you back!"

After placing their order, Jeonghan follows him and takes a seat.

"So, what did you get me?" Joshua asked.

"You'll see, you'll see. God, you're so impatient Shua-ya." Jeonghan leaned back in his chair. The server approached their table and set down a plate and a cup. Joshua smiled.

"A slice of carrot cake, and a cup of uh..." Jeonghan squinted back up at the menu, "a matcha latte. So, what do you think?" He leaned forward.

"Hmm... What if I said I don't like it?" Joshua looked up, thinking and teasing Jeonghan.

"What! But I swear your favourite flavour of cake is carrot!" Jeonghan asked, in genuine shock.

"I'm kidding Hannie. Thank you, you read my mind." Joshua chuckled, grabbing his hand across the table. Jeonghan exhaled a sigh of relief.

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