33. COG - ISAIAH - CH 50 - 59

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Wherefore, when I came,
was there no man?
when I called,
was there none to answer?
Is my hand shortened at all,
that it cannot redeem? or have I
no power to deliver? behold,
at my rebuke I dry up the sea,
I make the rivers a wilderness:
their fish stinketh,
because there is no water,
and dieth for thirst. *2

I clothe the heavens
with blackness, and I make
sackcloth their covering. *3

The Lord GOD hath given me
the tongue of the learned,
that I should know how
to speak a word in season
to him that is weary:
he wakeneth morning by
morning, he wakeneth mine
ear to hear as the learned. *4

The Lord GOD hath opened
mine ear, and I was not rebellious,
neither turned away back. *5

I gave my back to the
smiters, and my cheeks
to them that plucked off
the hair: I hid not my face
from shame and spitting. *6

For the Lord GOD will
help me; therefore shall I
not be confounded: therefore
have I set my face like a flint,
and I know that I
shall not be ashamed. *7

He is near that justifieth me;
who will contend with me?
let us stand together:
who is mine adversary?
let him come near to me. *8

Behold, the Lord GOD
will help me; who is he
that shall condemn me?
lo, they all shall wax old
as a garment; the moth
shall eat them up. *9

Who is among you that
feareth the LORD, that
obeyeth the voice of
his servant, that walketh
in darkness, and hath no light?
let him trust in the name
of the LORD, and stay
upon his God. *10


Hearken to me,
ye that follow after righteousness,
ye that seek the LORD:
look unto the rock whence
ye are hewn, and to the hole
of the pit whence ye are digged. *1

Look unto Abraham
your father, and unto
Sarah that bare you:
for I called him alone,
and blessed him,
and increased him. *2

For the LORD shall comfort
Zion: he will comfort all her
waste places; and he will make
her wilderness like Eden,
and her desert like the garden
of the LORD; joy and gladness
shall be found therein,
thanksgiving, and the
voice of melody. *3

Hearken unto me,

my people; and give ear
unto me, O my nation:
for a law shall proceed from me,
and I will make my judgment
to rest for a light of the people. *4

My righteousness is near;
my salvation is gone forth,
and mine arms shall judge
the people; the isles shall
wait upon me, and on
mine arm shall they trust. *5

Lift up your eyes to
the heavens, and look
upon the earth beneath:
for the heavens shall vanish
away like smoke, and the earth
shall wax old like a garment,
and they that dwell therein
shall die in like manner:
but my salvation shall be
forever, and my righteousness
shall not be abolished. *6

Hearken unto me,

ye that know righteousness,
the people in whose heart
is my law; fear ye not
the reproach of men,
neither be ye afraid
of their revilings. *7

For the moth shall eat them
up like a garment, and
the worm shall eat them
like wool: but my righteousness
shall be forever, and my salvation
from generation to generation. *8

Awake, awake, put on strength,
O arm of the LORD; awake,
as in the ancient days,
in the generations of old.
Art thou not it that hath
cut Rahab, and wounded
the dragon? *9

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