38. COD - Isaiah - Ch 30 - 39

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Woe to the rebellious children,
saith the LORD,
that take counsel,
but not of me; and
that cover with a covering,
but not of my spirit,
that they may add sin to sin: *1

That walk to go down into Egypt,
and have not asked at my mouth;
to strengthen themselves in the
strength of Pharaoh, and
to trust in the shadow of Egypt! *2

Therefore shall the strength of
Pharaoh be your shame, and
thetrust in the shadow
of Egypt your confusion. *3

For his princes were at Zoan,
and his ambassadors
came to Hanes. *4

They were all ashamed of a people
that could not profit them,
nor be an help nor profit,
but a shame, and
also a reproach. *5

The burden of the beasts
of the south: into the land
of trouble and anguish,
from whence come
the young and old lion,
the viper and
fiery flying serpent,
they will carry their riches
upon the shoulders
of young asses, and
their treasures upon the bunches
of camels, to a people that
shall not profit them. *6

For the Egyptians shall help
in vain, and to no purpose:

therefore have I cried
concerning this,
Their strength
is to sit still. *7

Now go, write it before them
in a table, and note it
in a book, that it may be
for the time to come
for ever and ever: *8

That this is
a rebellious people,
lying children,
children that will not hear
the law of the LORD: *9

Which say to the seers,
See not; and to the prophets,
Prophesy not unto us right things,
speak unto us smooth things,
prophesy deceits: *10

Get you out of the way,
turn aside out of the path,
cause the Holy One of Israel
to cease from before us. *11

Wherefore thus saith
the Holy One of Israel,
Because ye despise this word,
and trust in oppression
and perverseness,
and stay thereon: *12

Therefore this iniquity
shall be to you as a breach
ready to fall, swelling out
in a high wall,
whose breaking cometh
suddenly at an instant. *13

And he shall break it
as the breaking
of the potters' vessel
that is broken in pieces;
he shall not spare:
so that there shall not
be found in the bursting
of it a sherd to take fire
from the hearth, or to take water
withal out of the pit. *14

31:1 Woe to them that go down
to Egypt for help; and stay
on horses, and trust in chariots,
because they are many;
and in horsemen, because
they are very strong; but they
look not unto the Holy One
of Israel, neither
seek the LORD!


The vile person
shall be no more
called liberal,
nor the churl
said to be bountiful. *5

For the vile person
will speak villany, and
his heart will work
iniquity, to practise
hypocrisy, and to utter
error against the LORD,
to make empty the soul
of the hungry, and he
will cause the drink
of the thirsty to fail. *6

The instruments also
of the churl are evil:
he deviseth wicked devices
to destroy the poor
with lying words, even when
the needy speaketh right. *7

But the liberal
deviseth liberal
things; and by liberal
things shall he stand. *8

Rise up, ye women that are
at ease; hear my voice, ye
careless daughters; give
ear unto my speech. *9

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