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Joshua 24:13-15; 20-21

And I have given you a land
for which ye did not labour,
and cities which ye built not,
and ye dwell in them;
of the vineyards and oliveyards
which ye planted not do ye eat. *13

Now therefore fear the LORD, and
serve him in sincerity and in truth:
and put away the gods
which your fathers served
on the other side of the flood,
and in Egypt; and
serve ye the LORD. *14

And if it seem evil unto you
to serve the LORD,
choose you this day
whom ye will serve;
whether the gods which
your fathers served
that were on the other side
of the flood, or the gods
of the Amorites,
in whose land ye dwell:
but as for me and my house,
we will serve the LORD. *15

If ye forsake the LORD,
and serve strange gods,
then he will turn and
do you hurt,
and consume you, after that
he hath done you good. *20

And the people said unto Joshua,
Nay; but we will serve the LORD. *21

Joshua 14:13
And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto
Caleb the son of Jephunneh
Hebron for an inheritance.

Joshua 22:33
And the thing pleased the children
of Israel; and the children of Israel
blessed God, and did not intend
to go up against them in battle,
to destroy the land wherein the children
of Reuben and Gad dwelt.

Joshua 1:8-9
This book of the law shall not depart
from your mouth, but
you shall meditate on it
day and night, so that
you may be careful to do according
to all that is written in it;
for then you will make
your way prosperous, and
then you will have success. *8

Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous!
Do not tremble or be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go." *9

Joshua 1:5
No man will be able
to stand before you
all the days of your life.
Just as I have been with Moses,
I will be with you;
I will not fail you or forsake you.

Joshua 1:13
"Remember the word which Moses
the servant of the Lord
commanded you, saying,
'The Lord your God gives you rest
and will give you this land.'

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