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1Kings KJV

8:6; 23-24; 37-39; 54-61
And the priests brought in the ark
of the covenant of the LORD unto his place,
into the oracle of the house,
to the most holy place,
even under the wings of the cherubims.   *6

And he said, LORD God of Israel,
there is no God like thee, in heaven above,
or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant
and mercy with thy servants
that walk before thee with all their heart:    *23

Who hast kept with thy servant David
my father that thou promisedst him:
thou spakest also with thy mouth,
and hast fulfilled it
with thine hand, as it is this day.    *24

If there be in the land famine,
if there be pestilence, blasting, mildew,
locust, or if there be caterpiller;
if their enemy besiege them in the land
of their cities; whatsoever plague,
whatsoever sickness there be;    *37

What prayer and supplication soever
be made by any man,
or by all thy people Israel,
which shall know every man
the plague of his own heart,
and spread forth his hands toward this house:     *38

Then hear thou in heaven
thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do,
and give to every man according to his ways,
whose heart thou knowest; (for thou,
even thou only, knowest the hearts
of all the children of men;)    *39

And it was so, that when Solomon
had made an end of praying all this prayer
and supplication unto the LORD,
he arose from before the altar of the LORD,
from kneeling on his knees
with his hands spread up to heaven.     *54

And he stood, and blessed
all the congregation of Israel
with a loud voice, saying,     *55

Blessed be the LORD,
that hath given rest unto his people Israel,
according to all that he promised:
there hath not failed one word
of all his good promise, which he promised
by the hand of Moses his servant.    *56

The LORD our God be with us,
as he was with our fathers:
let him not leave us, nor forsake us:    *57

That he may incline our hearts unto him,
to walk in all his ways,
and to keep his commandments,
and his statutes, and his judgments,
which he commanded our fathers.    *58

And let these my words,
wherewith I have made supplication
before the LORD, be nigh unto the LORD
our God day and night, that he maintain
the cause of his servant, and the cause
of his people Israel at all times,
as the matter shall require:    *59

That all the people of the earth
may know that the LORD is God,
and that there is none else.    *60

Let your heart therefore be perfect
with the LORD our God,
to walk in his statutes,
and to keep his commandments,
as at this day    *61

And if thou wilt walk before me,
as David thy father walked,
in integrity of heart, and in uprightness,
to do according to all
that I have commanded thee,
and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments:    *4

Then, I will establish the throne
of thy kingdom upon Israel forever,
as I promised to David thy father,
saying, There shall not fail thee a man
upon the throne of Israel.    *5

But if ye shall at all turn
from following me, ye or your children,
and will not keep my commandments
and my statutes which I have set before you,
but go and serve other gods,
and worship them:    *6

Then will I cut off Israel
out of the land which I have given them;
and this house, which I have hallowed
for my name, will I cast out of my sight;
and Israel shall be a proverb
and a byword among all people:    *7

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