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Lloyd's povs

There was a knock on the door."Hold on for a sec."I said. I then went to open the door."Skylor! Pixal!"I exclaimed."Skylor?"Asked Kai."Pixal?"Asked Zane. The two couples went to hug."How are you guys here?"Nya asked."Well, one minute we were in Ninjago, the next we were here!"Said Skylor."We been trying to reunite to you all, but couldn't, until now."Explained Pixal. Skylor and Pix had noticed Arin and Sora."Who are these two?"Asked Skylor."They are my students."I said."I am Sora. This is Arin."Said Sora."Nice to meet you both. My name is Skylor. And this is Pixal."Said Skylor."So are you guys like a couple?"Asked Arin."Yeah, but we didn't come alone."Said Skylor."Really? Is Jay with you guys?"Nya asked. Pixal shook her head. Nya sighed."Don't worry. He's out there. We will find him."I said. Nya smiled at me."You are right. Thanks."She said."Wait, if Jay is not with you......then who is?"Asked Kai."Lloyd."Said a faint whisper. I turned around. That voice...... I was shock to see who was standing at the door."Rumi..."I whispered.

I felt as time had frozen. I can't believe it's her."Rumi."I said again."Lloyd."She said again. We both smiled. She jumped on me with a hug."I missed you so much."She whispered."Me too."I said. I smiled. She then hopped down."Sooooo. Are you two a couple?"Asked Arin. I blushed."No. We are just friends."She said."Yep. Just friends."I said. Friends."Let's see how long that'll last."Whispered Kai."KAI! I heard that!"I said.

"And, who's that?"Asked Harumi. She pointed at Wyldfyre."That's Wyldfyre. She's the master of heat."I explained."Come on. We should catch up."I said with a smile."Yes. Yes we shall."She said."You want something to drink? I am sure Wu has some tea somewhere."I offered."That would be nice."She replied. I then led her inside. Before I walked in, I heard Sora ask:"Who was she?"

Harumi's povs

"Wow. You did all that?"I asked. He nodded."You hovered and had white eyes?"I asked."Yes, and I also had a vision."He added."What did you see?"I asked. He bit his lip."I'd rather not talk about it."He said. I nodded. We didn't talk for a long time."Lloyd, I am sorry. For everything. For breaking your heart. For bringing your father back. For...Everything! I never meant any of it....well, okay. I did. But when I thought you were the reason my parents died, I pushed away what might have happened. Leading to mine, and many other deaths. What I am trying to say is, that I am sorry. And if you can find it deep in your heart to forgive me, then I am willing to prove to you I have changed."I said. He stared at me."Well, master Wu always used to tell me: That the best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend."He said. He touched my hand. I looked at both of our hands, I then looked at him. He was smiling. I blushed a bit, so I turned away."Sorry."He said. He then pulled his hand away, and turned around. I bit my lip."I think I should see what the guys are up to."He said. He then left me."What have I done?"I whispered.

Lloyd's povs

"So, you told them."I said. They all froze."It's not a big as deal as it sounds."I said."Not a big deal? Didn't you get your heart broken? And saw her die?"Asked Arin. Just someone reminds me of the two most sad memories that made me want to scream and shout. But I held it in."Well, that is in the past. And the pain in my life has made me stronger."I said."And she has changed."I said."How do you know?"Asked Skylor."I don't. I just have to go with my heart."I said. They all looked at me with an uncertain read all over their faces. I swallowed hard. 

I went inside to my room, and slammed the door. I didn't mean to, I just did."I am not ready. I am not ready to become a master. I am not ready to face Harumi! I was never ready to become the green ninja! Why did you make me?"I demanded. I felt as if my feelings were taking over me. They were. I grunted. My oni. It started to take control."No! No! Not now!"I yelled. I shook my head."I was never ready!"I yelled. I was catching my breath. I closed my eyes."Master Wu, where are you?"I asked.

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