To Love Or To Not💚

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Lloyd's povs

Yet again, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what the Good Empress said."I am doing what the ninjas didn't do, letting you choose." Yes, she did say that. And she was right. I didn't have a choice.  I never did have a choice. But I am happy.......right? Sure, I have had a lot of pain in my life, but I have two students, my friends, and Harumi. But am I really happy? Have I ever been? But I can't work for them, it would go against everything the title of the green ninja stands for. Harumi held my hand. I could feel myself turning red. I still had feelings for her, and I felt that those feelings would never disappear. I couldn't leave. But the Good Empress was right. Ever since I joined the ninja team, pain came to me after year and year.

Finally, I gave up. I went outside and jumped on top of the side of the monastary roof. I sat down, and closed my eyes. I sighed."Master, why did you believe in me? I was just a bratty kid, everyone saw that in me! Why didn't you see that too?"I asked. I opened my eyes."I was never ready. Not ready to become the green ninja, nor the team leader. And now you want me to become a teacher?! Haven't I given enough?!"I demanded. I began to cry. I couldn't help it. 

When I wiped the rest of my tears, I heard someone come out. I turned around. It was Harumi. I forced a smile."Hey Ru-Harumi, why are you up?"I asked."I saw that you weren't in bed, I was worried that you were captured again."She said. She then jumped up, and sat down with me."How many more times do you have to get captured?"She asked with a smirk. I laughed a bit."I have no idea."I said. She smiled."I just want to say, that I am sorry for everything again. I just....hate that it's all my fault, but it is."She said."Of what?"I asked."Your broken heart. It's my fault."She said. She began to cry."I am sorry. I didn-"It's okay to cry. I was just doing it moments ago."I said. Wait, why was I telling her this?!

"You were? Why? Are you okay? Was it because of me?!"She asked."No, I am just.......stuck. Sometimes, I think everyone around me thinks I am more than I already am. For example, I am supposed to teach my students, but I am not really great at it."I said."What are you talking about? They are awesome! You have done a great job!"Harumi exclaimed. I laughed a bit."Yeah, they are really great. But it's not just this teacher thing, even the green ninja, all I wanted was to be like my father. But then, I had to fight him. I used to dream at night of running away. All I wanted was what other kids had, a family. But, no."I said sadly. Harumi looked at me sadly."That's what I wanted too."She said."I feel like I have given so much, that everyone wants me to be-"Perfect."She said. I nodded."Guess we are not so different after all."I said with a smile."Yeah."She said. We both smiled. Next thing I knew, our lips touched. We closed our eyes.

I felt like the moonlight had shined all over us. But then we opened them, we then quickly pulled apart. We both started to scream. Then, I covered her mouth, and she covered mine. We then slowly lowered our hands."W-w-w-we should g-get to b-bed."I stuttered."Y-yeah."She agreed. We both hopped down, and headed back to bed. neither of us said a word.

A few days later..............

Harumi's povs

Lloyd walked into the room, then saw that I was in there, he turned around. We had been doing this ever since we had kissed."Lloyd! Wait! I think we need to talk!"I said."Talk? Why would we need to talk? What would we need to talk about?"He asked. Playing dumb. Smooth move, green ninja."You know what! Look, it's time. Nya, Sora, Wyldfire, and Arin are done there working, and the couples are out going on dates. No one would hear us."I said. He sighed."Fine."He said, defeated. He sat down next to me."So, do you still have feelings for me?"I asked.

"What kind of question is that?!"He demanded."You started the kiss!"I yelled."I did not! You did!"He yelled back."Did not!"I shouted."Okay, we are acting like children!"He exclaimed."Fine. Maybe the kiss was nothing. Maybe we just thought it was someone else we met? Have you loved anyone other than me?"I asked."Well, there was one time a girl kissed me, but we only liked each other as friends."He said. That made my blood boil. Who was this GIRL touching my MAN?! NO! He is NOT my man! You stop it, Harumi! He smirked."You jealous?"He taunted."What?! Me? Jealous?! How can you say that?!"I said almost shouting."Because you looked like you were going to punch the girl-"Can we stop?!"I asked."Fine. How about you?"He asked."No, I never loved anyone after you-WAIT!"I shouted.

"It's alright. I know what you mean."He said. I laughed nervously. He stared at me."So, we are just friends?"I asked."Yeah."He said. I smiled, but on the inside my heart shattered. Maybe I am taking this too dramatically, but I do still love him. But he doesn't feel the same. Not anymore, thanks to me. No time to mope over him, I need to stay strong. I always have.

Lloyd's povs

"Lloyd, when you were captured, did they tell you anything that they wanted? What their plan is?"Asked Nya. We were talking and planning on how to stop the Good Empress for good."Yes. You all know that I am part oni and dragon?"I asked. They all nodded."Okay. So, they told me that they wanted to test my powers. And I did as I was told."I said."What? Why?"Asked Sora."I had no choice! They were going to hurt you all!"I exclaimed."Why do they want your-"They have drained dragons Kai, it is likely that since Lloyd is part dragon, they are going to use Lloyd."Said Zane. Harumi gasped."Is that why you passed out? Because they drained you!?"Harumi demanded."No, although they did drain some of my life energy. But that isn't the reason I passed out."I said.

"Then what was?"Asked Pixal."I ran all the way from the city to Ninjago."I said."But they wanted me to work for them. With my power, it could...."I said. I then got an idea. They all looked at me."I know that face. What's the plan? And is it stupid?"Asked Kai. I walked around them."If the Good Empress wants me to work for them, then it shall happen."I said. Sora and Arin looked scared. Wyldfyre looked angry."So, you are going to turn EVIL?! Oh, I rip your face off!"Yelled Wyldfyre."No! What Lloyd means is that he is going to be a spy!"Exclaimed Skylor."Yeah!"I said. I was now a bit scared of Wyldfyre at this moment though. Sora and Arin sighed with relief."Come on guys. I would never-"We know you wouldn't, but what if-"My oni side appears."I said finshing her sentence."Lloyd, I don't know about this."Said Harumi."I got this."I said."When will you return?"Asked Pixal."Truth be told, I don't know. But what do we have to lose? Besides, we need to stop them!"I said."You. We got you to lose."Said Harumi."I will be fine."I said."When are you leaving?"Asked Skylor."Tomorrow."I replied.

The next day.........

"Be safe, Lloyd. Don't do anything stupid."Said Nya."I won't."I said. Or try not to."Remember, if anything happens-"Call you guys for help. I got it."I said. Everyone said goodbye to me, expect Harumi."Don't hurt yourself. And come home in one piece."She said. She then kissed me on the cheek. I could feel them turn red."OOooooo!"Shrieked Kai. Harumi pulled away. It was Harumi's turn to blush. Everyone was smiling with glee. I sighed."Gonna miss you, 美しい."I said. Harumi froze, then blushed again. Because it meant beautiful.

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