Being A Spy

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Lloyd's povs

I headed off to the palace. As I stand in front of the doors, I said:"Don't do anything stupid, Lloyd. It might cost your life. It almost happened once." I pushed the doors open. Guards surrounded me."Take me to your Empress. I just want to talk."I said. They put handcuffs on me, and led (Dragged) me to the Empress. The Empress was in the throne room."Unhand him!"She ordered. They did so."Leave us."She said. They all left the room."So, you came back."She said."Yeah, I did. I was tired of all the pain."I said."It was very smart of you to leave. Now, I will show you where you will be helping us."She said."I already know. It's the lab isn't it?"I asked. She nodded."Yes, I will let Dr Larow take you now."She said. Dr Larow showed up, and led me to the lab. While we walked, I decided to get some info."So, why do you all need my powers? Aren't you all powerful enough?"I asked. She laughed."Child, no one can have enough power. Besides, with all the dragons loose, we have no power to drain."She said."So, you are going to drain me?"I asked."No.....well, kind of. But it won't kill you. Just give you some sort of pain, but nothing worse than you have gone through."She said. 

When we got there, she told me to step in the cage. I did so."Okay, so what does this do?"I asked."We saw what you can do, so we are going to make it a tad more powerful."She answered. Powerful? Oh no. That's not good."Haha."Said the oni."No. No. This isn't happening!"I whispered."Oh, but it is. Your little plan won't work! You will kill everyone you care about!"Yelled the oni. I shut my eyes tight."Is every-"But I couldn't hear her. I felt like I was in a black hole. The only thing I could feel, see, and hear was total darkness.

Dr Larow's povs

"Something is wrong."I mumbled. The boy was now on the ground of the cage. We haven't even started yet, it looked like he was in pain."Should we take him to his room?"Asked Jordana(Sorry if I spelled that wrong.)"No, we won't stop. We haven't even started. The boy will live."I said. Jordana nodded. Although I couldn't help but feel worried. I mean, for this plan to work, the boy needed to live. He is the most powerful being with his oni and dragon powers. I pressed a button. Then, the boy screamed. But I had a feeling that it wasn't just this. It had to be something else. Oni? Maybe. After we had finished, I got the boy out. The Empress came in. When she saw the boy, she got angry."We need him alive!"She said."I know. He seemed to pass out before we even started!"I exclaimed. She looked at him bitterly."You are lucky we need you, I would have killed you the moment you tried to escape."She said."Take him to his room."She ordered. Me and Jordana carried him to his room. We laid him on his bed, then we left him.

A few hours later

Lloyd's povs

I shot awake, gasping for air. I got up, and opened the door, making sure no one was around. And no one was. I shut the door, and called my friends."Hello? Lloyd? Is everything okay?"Asked Nya."Yeah.......Well, not really."I replied."Why?"Asked Harumi."Well, you know how I passed out a few days ago because of my oni side?"I asked."Yeah."Said Nya."Well, it happened again."I said."WHAT?!"They all screamed. I pulled the phone away, then put it back next to my ear."Yeah, and that's not all. They made my oni powers more powerful."I said."Oh no! Do you feel-"I don't know. I just wanted to let you all know."I said. I forced a smile, even though they couldn't see it."How is everything going?"I asked."Pretty normal. Harumi misses you."Said Nya. I heard someone coming."Gotta go! Someone is coming!"I exclaimed."K. Be safe."Said Nya. I then hung up.

Harumi's povs

"No, no, no, no!"I exclaimed."Harumi, you need to chill."Said Kai."Easy for you to say! From what we know, Lloyd passed out AGAIN, and his oni side is stronger! And you know what THAT means! If Lloyd still fights it, he could DIE!"I said almost shouting."Harumi, we don't know that. You need to calm down!"Said Nya."CALM DOWN?! I can't CALM DOWN! When Lloyd is in danger! I knew that this was a bad idea! I never should have let him go!"I said."This is so so bad!"I exclaimed."Harumi, I really think you are worrying too much, Lloyd is strong. He is the voice of our team. And a ninja never quits!"Said Nya."Well, I don't know about you, but I am going after him!"I said."You can't! If you do that, then they will kill him!"Exclaimed Skylor."Not if I kill everyone of them!"I said with rage. They all looked at me with fear."What?"I asked."Killing is NOT the answer! We are ninjas! We do, you know GOOD stuff!"Exclaimed Kai, as he threw his hands in the air. Nya came towards me."Look, we all are worried about Lloyd, but you have to understand, that if we go after him, they will KILL him."Said Nya."Now, I think you should get some rest."Said Nya. I only nodded.

Lloyd's povs

I landed on my bed. They had drained my life force or whatever. I can't remember. I think that cage is messing with my brain. I rubbed my face. Maybe this wasn't a great idea. But then again, I needed to do this. I never had a choice. I have to do what's right."I miss you, Rumi."I said out loud. I then closed my eyes."I love you, but you don't love me. How could you?"I asked. I then closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

"Harumi? What are you doing here?"I asked. One minute I was in my bed, the next Harumi was standing before me."I hate you."She spat."What?"I asked in fear. She laughed in my face."What!? You think that I broke your heart, but you broke my first!"She yelled. I had no words. But it was true. I killed her parents. It's all my fault."You are nothing to me. Just a villain."She said."I-I am sorry! I never meant to hurt you, or anyone! I was a kid-"Shut up!"She said. She then threw a dagger at me. I moaned. My green gig started to turn red. She laughed again. She then held me up by the neck. I was trying to gasp for air."How does it feel Lloyd? To not be able to breathe? I had to go through that! While you just watched me DIE! You never cared about me!"SHe shouted with anger. I was still gasping for air."P-P-Please s-s-s-s-stop!"I tried to yell."Oh? You want me to stop?"She asked. She grinned. She then threw me to the ground. I coughed up blood. She held my chin up."It will soon be over. You will die, a failure. Like you were born."She said. Then, darkness over shadowed me.

I shot awake."Just a nightmare."I said. My breathing was fast, but I tried to slow it. I looked at my chest."No blood."I said."Just a dream, but it felt so real."I said. I closed my eyes, and looked at the moon."She was right. All of it."I said sadly. I laid awake until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

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