Captured Or....😈

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Lloyd's povs

I woke up tied to a chair. I was in a dark room. I groaned."Where am I? What happened?"I asked out loud."So, you are awake."Said a voice."Raptor?"I asked."Yep! It's me!"He yelled, coming out of the shadows. Great. I was captured by a guy who has pony dolls."Let me go! And.......why do you want me?"I asked."Well, Dr Larow informed me that you are part dragon. Do you know what you could do for us? And you are also part oni? Am I right? That seems like a pretty good win for us!"He exclaimed."I will never work for you!"I yelled. He cut my chest with a knife. 

I grunted. He laughed."I know you well enough to know that you would never betray your stupid friends. That's why we are going to force you, even if it takes every drop of your blood and energy from your body."He said, spitting at me."But we are not even in the city!"I said."For now, the Good Empress wants us to test your powers. Dragon and oni."He said."Make me."I said."Mm. Thought you say that. What if we target your little students?-"No! Fine. I'll do it."I said. Raptor grinned. He then left the room. When he left, I smiled. He had no idea what he had got himself into. Even if it meant to unleash my oni side. No one messes with my students. No one.

Harumi's povs

I put my arm over Lloyd, but to find out that he wasn't there. Maybe he's outside with Arin and Sora. I got up, got ready, and went outside. But to my surprise, Lloyd wasn't there. I went to where Lloyd's friends were, but yet again, he was not there. Where could he be. Maybe he's with Wyldfyre? Nope."Okay, have any of you seen Lloyd? I can't find him anywhere!"I exclaimed."Do you need your cuddle bunny?"Teased Kai. The ninjas entered the room. My face turned red."No! I am just wondering where he is!"I exclaimed."Mm. Harumi's  right. I haven't seen him anywhere."Said Nya.

"Maybe he went for a walk?"Asked Skylor."Oh no! If Lloyd went on a walk, what if Lloyd's oni side wanted to come back? And what if he's hurt?"I asked in panic mode."Calm down-"Harumi is correct. If Lloyd's oni side did show, then it would be dangerous for him and this whole world."Said Zane."He could become evil!"Yelled Kai."Yes, or Lloyd wouldn't give in, and the pain would kill him. Or at least that's what it seems like."Said Zane."We have to find him!"Exclaimed Arin."Let's go find our teacher."Said Sora. We all headed onto different cars and stuff, then split up. Sora was with me, Kai was with Arin and Wyldfyre. Zane stayed behind in case any one of those merge quakes appeared. And after we said our goodbyes, we headed off.

Me and Sora started to search the city. It was quiet until Sora started to talk."So, from what I heard, you two used to be close.....or..?"Asked Sora. I sighed."Yeah, I guess. But my thrist for revenge was too powerful for love."I said."Oh. So you did love him!"She exclaimed. She got me there.

"Yes, yes, yes. I was in love with him, and I still am."I said."Then why don't you tell him?"Asked Sora."Tell him?! Look, I done terrible things. Why would he ever want to be with me!?"I exclaimed."He seems to be in love with you. I mean, do you see how red he is when Kai and the others teased him about you guys! You and him both. Now, I may not know him that long, but I do know from the weeks, maybe months, that Lloyd is the kind of person who will always leave the door open for people like you. I bet he will do it. Because he loves you."Sora says."When did you become the doctor of love?"I asked."I am just saying that you two love each other, and you guys can't hide it."She said."If you say so. But I am not going to hurt anymore than I already have."I said. We didn't talk for a long time.

We then found something laying on the ground. It was a piece of clothing."Raptor."Growled Sora."He took Lloyd?!"I demanded. I touched my com."Guys, me and Sora know who took Lloyd!"I exclaimed."Really? Who?!"Asked Nya."Let's just say, that whatever he wants with Lloyd, is far from good."Said Sora.

Raptor knocked me out. When I woke up, I was in a bright yellow cage. I groaned."This must be the room they drained dragons."I said out loud. But I thought they were going to test my powers? What am I doing in this cage?"And you are correct, green ninja."Said Dr Larow."What am I doing in here?!"I demanded."Like Raptor said: We are going to test your power. You are in that cage, so you won't cause trouble. And if you do, we do this."She said. She then pressed a button. I screamed in pain, it didn't hurt as much as the time my oni side appeared, but it still hurt. SHe pressed another button, the pain stopped."Now, we understand each other."She said."What was that?!"I demanded."It takes some of your life energy. But you are not human, not fully. So it should have little effect on you."She said.

"What do you want me to do?!"I asked."Just show us what you can do. Dragon first."She said. I sighed. I then nodded. If I didn't do this, then they would hurt all my loved ones. They didn't need to know where they were. I knew they would find a way. I closed my eyes, remembering all of Wu's teaching. There were now, two energy balls on my hands."We already know that. Do you have any sort of dragon form?"Asked Dr Larow."I haven't unlocked it."I said. I can't let her know that the others know it, it would put them in danger."You are part dragon, you can do it. But we will come back to that, now let's see the oni in you."She said."If I do this, then you have to promise not to let my family at harm."I said."Alright, just show us."She said."Us?"I repeated."Yes. The Good Empress is watching."She informed me. I sighed again."Fine."I said.

I closed my eyes. Do it for your family. They need to be safe."So, you decide to give in?"Asked the oni."No! I just want to have the oni for a little bit!"I exclaimed."Oh, who am I to tell you no?"It asked. I slowly opened my eyes. The cage sort of showed my reflection, and my once lively green eyes, were now deadly purple. Purple energy balls were now in my hands. I laughed. I don't know why I did laugh, but it felt right. I then transformed into my oni form. Dr Larow face showed surprise and joy. When I was done, she exclaimed:"Yes! Prefect!" Her phone rang. She answered it. Time to get out of here. I used my oni powers to break the cage. Dr Larow turned around. Before she could say a peep, I shot my powers at her. She got knocked out when her head hit the wall. More people came, but they were no problem. I laughed again. 

I looked at my reflection."No! No! No! Stop it!"I screamed. I started to transform back into my human form. My breathing level had increased."This can't be happening."I said."I have to get out of here."I said. I started to run, but before I could reach the doors, the Good Empress had stop me."Let me through!"I ordered."No, I saw what you can do."She said, walking towards me. Her face softened a bit."You must be in such pain. But here, we can offer you a home, that is if you work for us."She said."Never! I already have a home!"I yelled."And does a home cause you this much pain? I have studied, all your pain and suffering, and those ninjas, don't care. Only when it gains them. Think about it, did they want anything to do with you before you became a ninja? Only your uncle, but he might as well be dead."She said. She touched my hair."Don't touch me!"I ordered."Think about it. You will not have any more pain if you open up to us."She said.

I was about to speak."Don't answer now. Come to me when you are ready to listen. And I know you will be back."She said."Y-you are letting me go?"I asked."Yes, I am doing what the ninjas didn't do. Letting you choose."She said. I stared at her, I then took off. I didn't stop running until I reached the city. I had passed out.

I woke up in my room. Was it all a dream? No, it couldn't be. It would be too good to be true. I got up, and headed outside. Everyone ran toward me."Lloyd! You are okay!"They all exclaimed."What......happened?"I asked."You were laying on the grounds of Ninjago city! Why did you pass out?"Asked Nya."I......can't remember."I lied."Well, you are okay now!"Said Kai. I wish that was true.

Good Empress's povs

"Good Empress."Said Dr Larow."What is it?!"I demanded."Why did you let the boy go? We could have used him for the good of the people!"She exclaimed."Why would we need to keep him over his will, when he will come to us?!"I asked." pretty clever."She said."I know. That is why I am an Empress! Soon, I will watch the ninjas crumble as their green ninja destroys them!"I yelled. I then began to laugh an deadly laugh.

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