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Lloyd's povs

"So, can you get rid of it?"I asked. Pixal and Zane looked at each other."It seems that the scar will not disappear until you learned to live with the oni side of you."Said Zane."But I have been living with it my whole life! And most of the time I didn't even know it was there!"I exclaimed."What does that even mean? Like learn to live with it?"Harumi asked."To accept it."Said Pixal."Oh great."I mumbled."From what you and Nya have told us, that seems like he only way."Zane said."Will it be painful?"Asked Nya."Maybe. But it shouldn't be that bad."Said Pixal. I nodded. I then put my shirt back on, hopped off the bed, and then went outside of the ship to get some fresh air. I sighed."You okay?"asked Harumi. 

She walked toward me."Oh, great! Just found out that this scar on me won't ever disappear!"I said, with my hands in the air. Harumi frowned."Relax, will ya? It will. Because if I know anyone who can do it, it's you!"She said."I don't know."I said, shaking my head."You don't mess with oni."I added."True, maybe you should talk to your father-"Nope."I said cutting her off."What's wrong with that?"She asked."You saw us in that cell! We were like.....Well like......Cole going a day without cake!"I exclaimed.

"What happened? I thought you guys were finally getting along after you defeated the crystal king!"She said."Lloyd, give him-"A chance? How many more? Look, I thought he could change. That he could care about me again....But he doesn't. Forget Rumi, I am done trying. The best thing for us is to stay out of each other's way."I said."Come on, you gave me another chance, why not your dad?"She asked.

"Because he left my life, then came back, left, came back, left, came back only evil inside his being, left, came back, and then left again!"I said. Harumi took my hand."Lloyd, I thought no one could ever see me as......Well, me."She said sadly. I looked at her."I thought that wherever I went, people would only see me as a......A....Monster."She added.

"Harumi-"You showed me that I can be loved again. Maybe your father needs that too. Maybe or maybe not. But you will never know if you don't try, Lloyd."She said. I sighed."Maybe you are right."I said."But one thing is for sure, you are not a monster."I said."Not anymore. Not when I have someone like you that cares about me."She said. I planted a small kiss on her lips."Thanks."I said. I then headed to talk to my father. I sighed."I hope you are right, Rumi. I really do."I whispered.

"Dad? Father? You're here?"I asked."Where is he?"I asked."Son."He said. I yelled."What the heck?! Do you always sneak up on people?!"I demanded."For fun."He replied."Well, it's rude."I said."What do you need me for?"He asked."Well, Zane and Pixal said that this scar.......It won't disappear until I learn to live with the oni in me."I said."And you want my help?"He asked."Yes......So you will do it?"I asked."No."He said."Well, great. Just don't-Wait....No?! Why not?!"I demanded."You need to do it on your own."He replied."So, you aren't even going to help me?! Not even a bit?!"I demanded.

"Nope."He said."Really?! You know, you can't just come back in my life, and not help me!"I yelled."I am your blood! I should be in your life!"He shouted."Family isn't just about blood! Family is about people being there for you! Family is about caring!"I yelled."And you don't think I care about you?!"He demanded."Why shouldn't I believe that?! You have been gone my whole life! And you think that you can just COME BACK in it without caring how it makes us feel! How it makes me feel!"I shouted. I was close to tears, but I held them back.

"I thought coming back was the right thing, that you WANTED that!"He shouted."IS IT! BUT I CAN'T HANDLE LOSING YOU AGAIN!"I screamed."What?"He asked in a whisper."Every time you come back, I have to give you up. I never wanted to do that, but I needed to. And I am not an idiot. I have feelings! But you just treat it like.......Nothing. Because you don't care about them!"I yelled. He started to get angry."I do too!"He yelled."How can I believe that?"I asked, with tears in my eyes. I walked away, wiping my tears. I then slammed the door behind me, Locked the door,  and slid my back against the door. I then covered my face with my knees, and started to cry."You were wrong, Rumi."I said between sobs."So wrong."I added.

Harumi's povs

I knocked on Lloyd's door."Lloyd? Are you here? How did the talk go with your dad? Lloyd?"I asked. I knocked again."Lloyd. So help me, I will break this door down if you don't answer!"I yelled. I heard a sigh."Rumi. If you want to help me, then go away. I really don't feel like talking.....To anyone."He said, in a raspy voice."Lloyd, what happened?"I asked, not listening to him."Rumi, I told you....I don't want to talk."He repeated."Lloyd-"Harumi! Please, just go away!"He called out."Alright, but please tell me what happened......That is when you are ready."I said. I closed my eyes, then opened them. I then left. But the uneasy feeling followed me. What happened?

A few days later........

Lloyd came out of his room a day later, but hasn't said much since.....Until now. After dinner, Llody sat me down."Okay, Rumi. I need you to listen."He said. I did. He told me everything. I didn't say much at first."I don't know why I had a break down......I guess I had it because it felt like I was reliving every single time I had to-"Let go."I said."Yeah."He said."I don't know, it all seems stupid."He said."Lloyd, it's not stupid."I said."And trust me, I have had my share of breakdowns.....When I lost my parents.....Everything I did or said reminded me of them. I would hide all my feelings, and have a breakdown in my room. Like you said.....It was like I was reliving that terrible moment. No one was there for me....But people are there for you, Lloyd. Whether it's your father, or not. But most important.....You have me. You have my back, and I have yours."I said. He smiled."Thanks Rumi."He said."Anytime, Lloyd."I said. I then touched his hand gently."I love you."I said. 

He sighed."How am I supposed to handle it? The oni."He said."I don't know. Maybe your father was right."I said."Maybe...."He said."But that doesn't mean that you are all alone. We will be here for you...Always."I said. He smiled."I am glad you are here."He whispered."And I am glad you are here with me. So we don't have to face anything alone."I said. And I was right about that.....But there was a storm coming....A storm that could tear our relationship apart, or bring it together more than before....And that storm....Was dragon cores.

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