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Lloyd's povs

I was woken by the sunlight in my eyes. I moaned. I looked at my arm. There were stitches on my wound, and my hand was bandaged up. I slowly got out of bed. I then noticed that Harumi was asleep on a chair next to the bed. I smiled. I stood up."I love you."I whispered. Hope she didn't hear that. Though a part of me wishes she would. She whispered something that I couldn't make out. I kissed her on the head. I couldn't resist. Nor did I want to. She smiled.

I walked outside. The others came running towards me."Please don't pass out again."Said Nya."I promise I won't."I said."How long was I out?"I asked."A week. I am just glad that you are alright."Said Zane."Me too."Said a pretty voice. I turned around."Harumi."I said. She came running towards me. We both hugged each other."I missed you."She said."Me too."I said."You missed yourself?"She asked. I blushed."You know what I mean."I said. We then broke the hug.

"So, from what I heard you two are the new couple."Said Jay, eyeing us."What? No, we are not."I said. Though I wish we were."Then why are you sleeping together? Not even me and Jay sleep with each other!"Exclaimed Nya."Nya, you know full well that me and Lloyd share a room because there is no where I could go."She said."And if there was, would you go?"Asked Pixal."Well no....."She said."AHA!"Yelled Kai. Harumi blushed."Well, maybe because Lloyd is a good host."She said."And he is good at cuddling!"Exclaimed Skylor. Me and Harumi looked at each other."Well, they are not wrong."She whispered in my ear. My face turned bright red. She then walked off to get a snack. Why did she have to leave me with them? And with KAI? Uh. I can already feel the teasing coming even harder. They all smiled at me."Just friends."I said."Then why was your face red as Wyldfyre's hair?"Asked Nya."It was NOT that red!"I exclaimed."Was too!"Said Kai.

"And you guys are such a couple!"Said Sora."We are not. Just friends!"I said for the millionth time."And do friends kiss?"Asked Arin. The others looked at me, then at Arin and Sora. I felt like my mouth had been stitched up. FInally, I could speak."W-w-w-w-what did you say?"I asked. Smooth Lloyd. Real smooth."You guys thought no one saw you two a few nights ago. But I happened to want water. Sora heard me, and came down. And we heard sounds during the night, and we saw you two K-I-S-S!"Exclaimed Arin."We ALSO got it on tape!"Said Sora. I quickly got master Wu's stick and started to walk towards them."Uh. What are you doing?"Asked Arin."You guys better run."Said Kai. They did so. I ran after them.

They were fast, but not fast enough to run away from. I ended up knocking them with the staff on the head. Real hard. I made them go back up, and made them do EXTRA laps on the training course.

I went in to grab a snack with Harumi."I heard you chase Arin and Sora. What did they do?"She asked."Well, you know how we um, kissed?"I asked."Yeah."She said."Well, they saw. And got it on tape."I said. She stared at me."You have a belt?"She asked.

Me and Harumi were sitting on the couch watching a movie. The others called it a date. But with all the craziness that has been going on, we decided that we needed a break. And we were two friends enjoying a movie. Friends. How many times did I have to say that word. The movie was a horror, it was one of my favorites."How can you like this stuff? And I thought I was the former villain."Said Harumi. I smirked."Scared?"I teased."Moi? Scared? No way! I just can't believe you like this stuff. I thought the perfect-"Perfect?"I asked."I mean a good green ninja would like something not horror."She said."I may be the green ninja, but I am still a human being. Well, kind of. "I said.

"What do you like?"I asked."I like dark romance movies."She answered."Kind of like us."I said. We both frowned, remembering how it went down."I am sorry-"No, no, no! I don't want to hear it. I know you are sorry. How? Because I've been there. I remember the guilt of what I did. And it wasn't even your fault, you were broken. So was I. So, stop torturing yourself for something you did. Enjoy life! Don't be regretful!"I exclaimed. She looked shocked, she then smiled."Thanks. You really have your way of making a person feel welcome."She said. I smiled. We continued to watch the movie.

Garmadon's povs

I went out to get a drink of water, when I saw my son and Harumi sleeping on the couch, while a movie was playing. They looked like me and Misako when we were young."Mm. Love."I said. I then walked away.

Harumi's povs

I yawned. I then felt the need to get revenge on Arin and Sora. I mean, what right did they have spying on us? I shook Lloyd awake. He groaned, then went back to sleep."Lloyd. Lloyd. LLOOOOYYDDD!"I yelled."What?"He asked, though his eyes were still closed."GET UP!"I shout. He shook his head, and said:"I don't wanna!" I shook my head."YOU HAVE TO! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!"I screamed. He bolted awake. But he fell off the couch, he stood up."WHAT? WHERE?"He screamed. I laughed. He looked at me.

"What?"I asked."WHAT?! WHERE'S THE FIRE!?"He demanded."I just said that to wake you up!"I exclaimed."What? YOU WOKE ME UP FOR NO GOOD REASON?!"He demanded. I rolled my eyes. He was more concerned about his beauty sleep than the trouble we would have been in if there was a fire."Not for a no good reason. For revenge."I said. He raised his eyebrows."Me and you are going to be evil for just a bit. We are going to get revenge on Arin and Sora."She said."This doesn't have a need for a belt does it?"He asked."You know I was kidding!"I said."UH NO! You grabbed a belt, and meant to hit them, but NO! IT HIT ME!"He screamed."Ah, you baby!"I said.

"Come on! It'll be fun!"I said."Okay, but it better be something good."He said, now sounding excited."Lloyd, please. I plotted revenge for almost my whole childhood. I think we can come up with something."I said. We both had an evil grin on our faces.

"Pranks are.......well.......childish."Said Lloyd."Oh?"I asked."Before I knew you were alive, we were all out of shape. And master Wu proved it to us."He said."And your point is......?"I asked."We had some not so great moments. And I think it's time for the chicken to say hello-"A CHICKEN?!"I demanded. Lloyd dashed out of the room. A few minutes later, he got a chicken."Okay, are you insane?"I asked. Just then, the chicken....turned BLUE? He then shot me with lightning powers. I ducked behind the couch. Lloyd dropped him. Lloyd ran to the kitchen. My hero. He then got a big bowl, and put it on the chicken."Yep. That'll work."I said, between breaths.

Arin's povs

"Phew. That was scary with Harumi. I really thought that she was going to belt us."Said Sora."Yeah. Luckily, Lloyd was there."I said. Sora laughed."Yep."She said. Just then, a chicken walked up."Aw. A little chicken."Said Sora."Aw. He is cute."I said. We walked up to him. He then started to turn blue? Next thing we knew, he was shooting lightning powers at us. We screamed."RUN! ARIN"Screamed Sora. 

Lloyd's povs

I was going to get a broom to clean some of food that I spilled. Harumi wanted to help.We went to get the broom from the closest. I turned the knob."ARIN? SORA?"I asked."PLEASE! DON'T LET THE CHICKEN GET US!"Screamed Arin. Me and Harumi laughed our heads off.

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