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Picture not mine!💚

Lloyd's povs

I yawned as I got out of bed. My head was throbbing, but I thought that was because I drank a bit last night. I went to the bathroom, and began to tame my messy hair. All of a sudden, memories started to shoot into my mind. I grunted, and touched my head."I am your son."I said in the memory."I have NO son!"Yelled my father. I gasped. More memories......terrible ones. I bit my lip really hard, that I could taste a bit of blood. Soon, the memories were so clear.....so vivid....that pretty soon it was the only thing I could see and feel. It was like I was reliving every terrible moment...Every. Moment. 

I closed my eyes tight, so I would stop seeing it. But it was no use."There was nothing between us, Lloyd."Said Harumi."They gave up their powers to save me........But I couldn't do anything to save them!"I said in another."You left me!"I exclaimed in another memory."You are leaving?!"I demanded to my father. Tears started to flow down my face."Then why didn't you COME for me?!"Demanded Harumi."Stop.....please."I begged. I heard the oni in me laugh."Please! I am begging you!"I yelled."Not. A. Chance."The oni whispered. 

More memories flew..and there was no sign of them stopping. I began to crumble onto the ground."They are gone, Lloyd. I am sorry."Said Harumi. The sadness was gone. Anger had arisen. I got up from the ground. I breathe heavy."No. No!"I said."Can't let it control me. Can't let it."I said, shaking my head. 

I put my hands on the corner of the sink. I began to open my eyes. Staring before me, was the oni of me."Not bad. But you will need to be stronger....And you are just not that strong enough."He said. Before I could reply, or react, or do anything at all....The oni reached its claws out of the mirror.......And pulled me into the mirror! 

I couldn't see anything at first, and nor did I want to. Who could imagine what sort of cruelty the oni could come up with? But I forced myself to open my eyes. I was on my knees, and standing before was the golden oni. He smirked."What do you want?"I asked, sounding more afraid than I would have liked."You know."He said."Give in. I can grant you the power to destroy all the realms...You can be more than the son of Garmadon. Come out of the shadow."He said."Never. And I already came out of his shadow.......I already stepped in the spotlight. I am nothing like he was."I said."Like our father said......Brave.....But foolish."He said."I'd rather be foolish than selfish!"I said."Mm. Tell me, what has Ninjago ever done to you? To us?"He asked. 

I looked down, then grinned. I looked at him."It has given me a home. And if I join you, then that will be taken away."I said. The oni pulled out a knife."You wouldn't kill me-"Who said anything about that? If I kill you, then where is all the fun in that? I want you to suffer and to scream....except no one will hear you."He said. He grinned. My fear had returned. I stared at the oni with pure horror. No one can hear me? I woke up earlier than normaly, Harumi and the others wouldn't wake up in hours. I knew I wouldn't die, but if the oni really hurt me....Like REALLY hurt me........What would happen? More importantly....What would happen to others? How would they handle it? If I was not awake? Or.....If I never could wake up.

 I started to run. I didn't know where I would run, maybe to find my way back? I did know one thing.....I had to run away from that monster. I heard the oni's laugh."You can't run forever, lil ninja!"Yelled the oni. I gasped when I saw a way out! I saw the bathroom, and my body! I was laying on the ground, and from what I could see.....My eyes were black! Just as I was about to reach for it, black technicals wrapped around me."NO!"I screamed. 

I tried to break free, but couldn't. I grunted. I heard the oni's laugh again."No."I whispered. I put my head down. Tears started to flow off my face."You resist. Look where it has got you."He said. I didn't reply at first."Just do it. Make me feel pain, make me suffer, make me scream. If that's what you want. Take my life......Just...Don't hurt the others."I begged."I am though...By hurting you."He whispered. Just then, the knife he was holding, turned black and green.

 He walked toward me. He then stabbed my gut. I screamed. He then whispered:"Failure."I shook my head."No.....I. AM. NOT. A. FAILURE!"I screamed. It hurt to talk, let alone scream....But I didn't care. I was going to use every last breath to say what I needed to. The oni looked at me."M-my name is Lloyd Garmadon. I don't c-c-care what y-y-you have to say. I am who I-I am. And I am not AFRAID!"I yelled. The oni grinned."Goodnight."He said. My eyes shut.

I slowly opened my eyes. I crawled to the outside of the shower. I grunted. I looked at my guts, they weren't bleeding. But it still felt like it. I held it with my hands. I groaned, and closed my eyes."Lloyd? Are you there?"Asked Harumi. She opened the door, and gasped. She ran toward me, and asked:"Lloyd! Are you alright?"I slowly opened my eyes."No."I replied. I stared at her eyes, and she stared into mine. She laid next to me, and touched where my hands were."It's all right. I am here."She whispered She then laid her head on my shoulder, and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes, but didn't dare to go to sleep.

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