The Plan Of Kai Smith

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Lloyd's povs

I went inside the library to see what Nya was up to."Hey Nya, what are you doing?"I asked. She turned to me."Hey Lloyd, I just thought, we need to stop these Merge. And I think I found something."She said."What is it?"I asked. My eyes went wide. It was the scroll that I looked at the day I passed out."It says the only way to stop the merge is to use the dragon cores."Said Nya."But the last page, it's ripped."She said."That's weird."I said."Someone must of not want us to see it......Wait a minute."I said."What?"She asked.

"Before the Merge, Master Wu wanted me to gather some scrolls....And this is one of them. But I don't remember it   
being ripped......You don't think....."I said."I think so. But why? Master Wu was worried about this, why would he rip out something that could help stop it?"Asked Nya."But he didn't rip out where to find these dragons cores, look!"I said. The dragons cores were in three different spots, just like the golden weapons."Well, we better get packing."Said Nya."Let's make sure not to lose all of our stuff this time."I said. Nya nodded and laughed a bit.

After we were done explaining, and packing, we headed on to the ship, that Nya and Sora had just finished fixing. I looked down at the ground when we got up in the air. Harumi joined me."Okay, what's on your mind?"She asked."How did you know?"I asked."Because I know you. Now, tell me."She said. I sighed."I am just wondering why Wu ripped it, is he trying to protect us? Is something like Nya becoming one with the sea going to save everyone from the Merge quakes?"I asked. Harumi nodded."I just hope it won't be you."She said."Yeah. Because if I left, you would be lonely."I said. I put my arm around her."True dat. You are my best friend."She said. She then titled her head on my shoulder, as we watched the sun.

Kai's povs

I walked up to Nya."Would you look at that?"I asked. The others began to walk toward us, except Lloyd and Harumi."Looks like teach is falling in love all over again."Said Sora."When did he stop?"Asked Nya bitterly. I looked at her."Nya, I know how you feel about Harumi. But she's changed. We were with her."Said Skylor."Skylor is correct."Said Pixal."I know. Just not-"Ypu do want Lloyd to be happy right?"Asked Sora."Yeah, but not with someone that......broke his heart."She said."I think you should give her a chance. Maybe you two could-"Have a girl's night? Slow down."She said. 

She sighed."Maybe you guys are right."She said."Good! Because we got to get these two together!"Exclaimed Arin."Arin is right. It's time we get these two love birds together!"I said."I don't think it is wise to push their relationship, Kai."Said Zane."Ah, come on! There's no harm!"I cried out."And when have I been wrong?"I asked. They all stared at me as if I had gone insane.

Lloyd's povs

"So, Lloyd."Said Kai."Uh. Hey?"I asked."When do you think that you two are going to get together?"He asked."What are you up to?"I asked."Nothing! Why would I be up to something?"He asked. I rolled my eyes."Why would you want to know?"I snapped."And I thought I was the hot headed one."He said."Get to the point."I said."Look, you should ask Harumi on a date!"Said Kai."No way!"I cried out."Come on! She likes you, and you like her!"He said."She does-"She does too! Don't you see the way she looks at you an the eye? The way she smiles when she hears your name?"Kai asked.

"I don't know, Kai."I said, uneasy."Come on, it took Jay forever to ask Nya out. And look at them!"Said Kai. Jay kissed Nya on the cheek. Kai gagged. I rolled my eyes again."I know, but it takes time, Kai. I can't just walk up and say: Do you want to go on a date with me?"I said.

 I sighed."Kai, put yourself in my shoes. I fell in love with Harumi, I spend time with her. Fell in love with her even more.......then to realize it was all a lie. That she only toyed with my heart to get the third mask, to bring back my dead father. Who would almost kill me, losing my powers. And thinking that you and the others except Nya, were dead. And that your guys' blood was on her hands. But I STILL was in love with her. 

Then, a few weeks later, I saw her die. Only to find out years later that she was alive, working with the Overlord. And then, she turned good. And then, I thought I lost her because of the merge, only to find out that she was alive once again!"I exclaimed. Kai had lost his words."So, you see? That's why. I don't want to lose her."I said. I then walked off. But what I didn't know, was that Harumi had heard all of that.

Harumi's povs

Lloyd came into our room a few hours later. I clicked the lamp. He turned around."I heard what you and Kai said."What? You were eavesdropping?"He demanded."I didn't mean to. But from what I heard..........You don't want to lose me again."I said."It's true."I said."But I never meant any of it."I said, looking at his face."I know you didn't-"Lloyd. When we sat down and had some tea, I said I was sorry for everything. And you said that Wu once told you that the best way to defeat your enemy is for them to become your friend. But I have to ask........deep down, do you really forgive me?"I asked."Y-I don't know. I am sorry. You deserve an answer. But I don't have one."He said."I didn't even deserve your friendship."I said. I then walked out of the room."Rumi!"He called out. I didn't stop, nor did I look back.

Lloyd's povs

"Harumi!"I called out."Kai, you are going to pay for pushing me."I said out loud."Harumi? Harumi?"I called out."Hahaha."Said the oni."Oh, not you!"I cried out."Oh, but it is me!"The oni cried out. I pushed the oni away, I was getting a bit better at doing that. But I knew that I was going to pay for it later.

I went outside of the ship, only to see that Harumi was crying, and was wrapped in a ball. She was wearing one of Nya's night gowns that Nya let her have, it was the one Nya hated."Rumi."I said, running towards her."Don't call me that. I don't deserve that."She said. She wiped one of her tears. I sat down next to her."Are you okay?"I asked."Stop it. Stop the pity. I don'-"What pity?"I asked."You haven't forgiven me. I understand."She said, still sobbing.

"You may have hurt me, but that doesn't mean that you are the same person that did all those things."I said."How do you know?"She asked. She looked at me with tears on her face. Because I love you. But of course I didn't say that."Because I know you. You were broken, like me. You wanted revenge. I get it. You wanted to hurt me, like I did to you."I said."You didn't hurt me, the Overlord did."She said."Yeah, but that doesn't mean I will forgive myself for what I did to you, and many others. But......I also don't let the past control me. I am in control. And you should be too. You need to stop this. Or the guilt will eat you up."I said.

"You are right. But what I did-"Was bad. But you can't change it. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future."I said. She smiled."Thanks."She said."I like the gown that you are wearing."I said."Yeah, wish it was a different color."She said."What color?"I asked."Green."She replied.

The next night......

Kai's povs

"Let's play spin the bottle!"I exclaimed. This was my plan, my chitchat with Lloyd upset Harumi, but this time, it'll work. Jay spin the bottle, which landed on Nya."Okay, lover birds! Go in the closest!"I said. They went in their for 7 minutes, then came out, blushing."Lloyd, your turn."Said Nya."Er. Pass?"He asked."Nope!"I said. He then spin the bottle, which landed on Harumi.

Lloyd's povs

Harumi and I went inside the closest. We didn't say anything, or moved for a minute. Then, Harumi broke the silence."So, how are we......"She said. I shook my head."I don't know."I said."Rumi? Do you love me?"I asked. I was so scared of what her answer might be.
"Yes. But I don't want to hurt you. It's one of my greatest fears."She said."What about you? Do you love me?"I asked."I do. And next to becoming just like my father, my fear is losing you again."I said."We both want this...And you said not to let our fears control us.....We have to promise each other to never leave each other's side, or hurt each other."She said."I promise."We both said.

What happened next was the most exciting thing that could have ever happened to me or Harumi. At first, we kissed softly. Then, we started roughly. It was like we were giving all our love to each other. Harumi pinned me on the wall, then jumped me, kissing me hard. She let go, and said:"I love you so much, Lloyd Garmaodn!"She exclaimed. We then kissed again."I love you so much, Harumi Jade!"I exclaimed. We then started to kiss again. She fell over, but she wasn't harmed. I then landed on top of her just because. I pinned her down, and started to kiss her roughly again.

Kai's povs

Harumi and Lloyd were there A LOT longer than seven minutes."My plan worked."I said. In fact, they were in there for half an HOUR!"Okay, I am going in there."I said."Why?"Asked Skylor."Because I don't want Lloyd to get Harumi pregnant!"I yelled.

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