The Final Chapter: Battle

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Lloyd's povs

"Everyone knows the plan?"Asked Nya."Are you sure this is a good idea?"Asked Zane. We wanted to stop the claws, once and for all. It had been my idea, if we didn't do anything, then dragons would be put in danger. And I needed to stop the merge. I don't care that I might lose my life, I needed to keep everyone safe. I'd rather die knowing that they would all live, then live fearing that they might all die.

"If we don't, then all dragons will be in danger. We need to attack."I said. They all looked at me."This doesn't sound like you..."Said Sora."Well, I never jump to things without a plan."I said."Ahem."Said Nya."I was chasing after Arin and Sora."I reminded her."We should get some rest."Zane says. We all nodded.

After Rumi shut the door, she kissed me, and then put her hands around my neck. She then broke it, but our faces were still inches away."I love you."She whispered. I kissed her, then pinned her on the wall. She kissed back finally. It was my turn to break it."And I love you."I said."I have loved you since I laid eyes on you."I added. She kissed me again."I want you...Forever."She whispered when she broke it. I bit my lip."Yes. As I want you."I said. We leaned our heads together."Together."We both whispered. We then kissed again.

The next day.....

 Kai smirked when I entered."So, what did you and Harumi do last night?"He asked. I quickly turned red."N-n-nothing much!"I said."Why?"I asked."We heard something last night."Said Nya."You guys didn't...-"No, and I am not ready to become a father anyway. I am already a teacher, and I can barely handle that!"I exclaimed."I am sure you would make a great dad! But let's hope he-"Don't start, Kai!"I said, knowing where this was going. 

Harumi came in, yawning."You guys are ready for the battle? I mean, what if this is-"We went through worse-"Have we?"Asked Nya."Maybe or maybe not. What matters is that we are in this together. And that we don't give up."I said."Amen."Said Zane, holding up a cup. I smiled. Zane then gave everyone their breakfast, and then I trained my students until we reached back to the monestary."This may be the last time I see the monestary...And my friends."I whispered.

Before we left, I grabbed the bag with the dragon cores. The others didn't say anything, maybe because they thought it was weapons. The plan was simple. Riyu, Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre would deal with Dr Larow. The ninjas would take care of the claws and Raptar, while I knocked that Beatrix off her pretty little throne. That was it for the plan......At least to the others, but the full plan was after the claws were defeated, I would stop the merge once and for all....Killing me in the process. I looked at my friends, no......My family. We all had been through so much, and now it came to this. I smiled."Alright! You guys ready?"I asked."Let's do this!"Exclaimed Arin."NINJA-GO!"We all yelled.

"So, green ninja. You have come to fight me."She said."I have. I do this for all the dragons that you have hurt."I said."They are nothing but beasts. Like you."She said."I am a ninja. Who protects. While you hurt people."I said."Then fight me."She said."I dare you."She said."Gladly."I said. We then began to fight.

"I know your secret."She whispered."She try so hard to-"I am done. Who cares if I end up like my father? Do you know why? Because he is a great man, oni or no oni. And even if I do, I know I can count on my friends to bring me back. And even if they don't, I can always kill myself. I am not going to listen to you taunt me. I am in control!"I yelled. I then charged at her. I kicked her, she started to lose, but was in control again soon. And as things seem to look bad, Sora used her powers, to trap her."Sora! Great job!"I exclaimed."Thanks. Come on! The ninjas need our help!"She said."I will be there in a bit.....I need to take care of something."I said. Arin raised his eyebrow. As they started to leave, I stopped them."And if you guys get the chance, tell Harumi that I love her."I said. Their faces mixed with concern and puzzled. They will know soon. They then ran off. I then looked in my bag where the dragon cores were. I looked at Beatrix, who was knocked out."Time to end this."I whispered.

Harumi's povs

"Arin! Sora! Where's Lloyd?"I asked, while fighting. We then heard a loud roar. A big lion, who I think was Lord Ras, jumped in the air, and used his hammer to hit some claws."Lord Ras? Are you helping us?!"Asked Sora."Let's just say, I finally chose the winning side."He said."Arin, Sora! Where is Lloyd?!"I demanded."He said he needed to take care of something."Replied Arin. We then heard something......Powerful. Just then, Lloyd came in flying....How was he....I then realize the dragon cores were around him."Oh no."I whispered.

Lloyd's povs

I used the dragon cores powers to knock out most of the claws. I then looked at my friends.....I looked at Harumi. I took a deep breath. I then flew up higher, and used all the energy I had."I will always be with you my son."Iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother!"I love you so much, Lloyd Garmadon!"I will always protect you, with the last breath of my body(I know that isn't right.)"Family is Key, remember that Lloyd."

Family is key. I started to scream. I felt my bones shatter, blood rolling down my back. All of it. All of the pain. But I knew it would soon be over. All of it. My family would be safe, and I could rest in peace. I let out my last scream, and began to fall.

Harumi's povs

A merge quake started to happen, but stopped. That could only mean one thing....."LLOYD!"We all screamed except Ras. Lloyd began to fall faster."We have to catch him!"I exclaimed. Sora began to reach out both of her arms."I can do this."She whispered. She then used her tech powers without the dragon's spark! She catches Lloyd, and sets him on the ground with her powers."You did it!"Exclaimed Arin. But his joy didn't last. I ran over to him, and put him on my lap. He slowly opened his eyes. His green spark in his eyes seemed to have faded away. He began to cough."Lloyd...It's going to be okay...."I said softly. He shook his head. Tears started to flow off my face."No! We will find a way! We always do!"I exclaimed."Not this time. Not this time."He said."Please! Don't leave me! I......Love you."I begged. He smiled weakly."We truly are kindred sprits."He whispered. He then closed his eyes."No....No.."I whispered. I began to sob into his chest. I heard Nya sob, and the others crying."He can't die!"Sora cried out."You can't.....I love you."I whispered.

Lloyd's povs

I gasped. I looked around to find myself in a grassy field."Where.....?"I asked. I then realized this was some sort of afterlife."Hello Lloyd Garmadon."Said a voice."FSM."I said, while kneeling. He told me to stand."Have I......Been here-"Yes....But you don't remember, and that is how it should be."He said. I nodded."You have a choice, like last time. You can choose to come with me, or you can return to your family. And I think we both know the answer."He said."Yes, I think we do."I said. He nodded."I need my friends, and they need me. I have a purpose."I said. He nodded. I then felt his power shot at me.

"Goodbye.."I heard Harumi say. She then kissed me on the lips, I kissed back, once I was in control. She broke it, shocked. I began to open my eyes, and said:"You really didn't think I left you, did you?"I asked. Everyone cried out of joy. Harumi hugged me tightly, and told me that she loved me a hundred times. 

Even though I was alive, I still felt like my bones were shattered. Harumi had to carry me back to the monastery. Which I knew I was going to get teased for after I had healed. I knew there would be more, more villains...And I am worried it might be me. But I am done being afraid. It would take a while for me to control the oni in me. But I would get it. Some day. And until then, I needed to be careful Who knows what was down the road for me....But I was kind of excited to find out...

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