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Lloyd's povs

"Father?!"I demanded."Hello son."Said my father."What in the FSM are you doing here?!"I asked."I don't know. All I know........


It was like any other day. I was training, making my power stronger."Ahhhh! This pizza is"Good?"Asked Vinny."What happened to your training?"I asked. You shush. Anyway, I said"Yes! That's the word!" Just then, the whole room started to shake. I looked out the window to see the start of the merge."Oh, Wu. I thought we had more time."I whispered. Next thing I know, I was sucked into the merge. When I woke up, I was in this cell.

End of flashback.

 He looked at me."You are bleeding."He said."No sh-"LANGUE!"He shouted. I sat down, and grunted. My breathing was fast again."Let me see."He said."Why?"I asked."Why? I am your father for the FSM sake! When I see my child bleed, I help."He said."THEN WHERE WERE YOU MY WHOLE LIFE?!"I screamed. I closed my eyes, then opened them. He looked at me, as if I had gone insane."Lloyd-"I don't want to hear it. We need to get out of here."I said. But my father didn't listen."You know full well that the evil in me, I did it to protect you and your mother."He said

"Well, you hurt us anyway. And I wasn't just talking about that."I said. He had a puzzle look on his face."I was talking about it when after we defeated the oni, and I almost died, you just left. Without saying goodbye OR even asking if I was alright. You just left me.........again. I think if I died you would still leave and wouldn't care a bit about me!"I yelled. I could feel some tears fall off my face. He looked hurt."I am sorry. I never-"We should try and get out of here."I said, wiping away my tears.

Garmadon's povs

"Lloyd, there is no way to get out. I tried for years."I said."There has to be a way."He said."My friends are coming."He said."They will die, if they do."I said."Can't you have a little faith and hope?"He demanded. I thought for a moment."Nope."I said.

Harumi's povs

"Okay, so we are on the same page?"I asked."Yep."They all said. We had a plan........ish. Me, Arin, and Sora would get Lloyd. While Nya would get alone with Jay, and make him remember. And the rest of us would hold off the guards. It would work...........right?
We got out of the sewers."Did we lose it?"I asked."Think so."Said Sora."Where do you think they are keeping Lloyd?"I asked."In the cells. I'll show you!"Said Sora. She led us to the cells. While she did, the closer we were, we heard shouts."Oh no! They must be hurting Lloyd!"Cried out Arin."Come on!"Said Sora.

But when we got to where the shouts were, they were not shouts of pain. But they were shouts of fighting. I punched the code, making the cell disappear. But Lloyd wasn't alone.....he was with"GARMADON!"We all shouted. We were all ready to fight. They both turned to us."Lloyd! Watch out!"Cried out Arin."Don't worry, I would not hurt my own son."Said Garmadon."Oh REALLY?!"Lloyd demanded."ONE TIME!"He screamed. I sighed. And I thought they were on good terms."Oh, you are so-"As much as I would love to stay here to see you guys fight, I think we should leave!"I said."Right. Where are the others?"He asked."Nya is trying to make Jay remember, the others are fighting off the guards. We got to go help them!"I cried out.

Nya's povs

I jumped inside Jay's room. He had his back facing me."Jay?"I asked in a whisper. He quickly turned around."Who are you?"He asked."I am Nya. Your.....Jay. You need to remember me. Remember the time when we went on our first date? I never told you this, but I had a crush on you too."I said."And remember when you wished that I had taken your hand? I was dying in your arms, and you loved me more than anything. Remember?"I asked. He shook his head. I sighed."I knew that it wouldn't work, but maybe this will."I said. I then took out his piece of yin and yang. I then put it in his hands."Remember when you asked me to be your yang?"I asked. I then kissed him, our lips melted. 

Jay's povs

I then remembered. I remembered everything! We slowly drifted apart."Nya?"I asked."You remember me."She said."Of course I do. I would never forget you."I said. She smiled. We then kissed again. When we broke it, I asked:"Where are the others?"I asked."They are battling the guards. Come on! We need to help them!"She cried out."Nya?"I asked."Yeah?"She asked."I love you."I replied. She smiled again."I love you too."She whispered.

Lloyd's povs

"I don't think we can hold them much longer!"Cried out Sora."We have to!"I said. I was holding my wound while fighting, which was not easy. I was surprised that I wasn't passing out. Nya and Jay came running out to help us."Jay! Glad you are back!"I exclaimed. His eyes went wide."Did I do that to you?"He asked."No, it's fine."I said, while kicking a guard. Nya gasped."Lloyd.....your father-"Is here. I know. He was locked in with me."I answered."We should get out of here."Said Kai."How?"Asked Nya."We will find a way. We always do."I said."Lloyd! Watch out!Harumi cried out. A guard was coming near me, and if it weren't for Harumi, He would have cut my wound even more. I stopped his blade with my hand, he cut my hand. Okay. I am going to admit that wasn't smart. I grunted. Sora used her power to throw him off."Lloyd, are you okay?"Asked Nya. I was on my knees."Yeah. I am fine."I said, with heavy breaths."We need to get out of here, and treat your wounds."Said Zane. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Harumi's povs

"Lloyd!"I yelled. Zane went to check his pulse."He just passed out. But we need to help treat his wounds."Said Zane. Zane picked Lloyd up. Heatwave came out of nowhere, and landed where we were."No retreat!"Yelled Wyldfyre."Do you want Lloyd to lose more blood and die?!"I demanded."Fine."She said, disappointed. We all hopped on Heatwave, and flew back home.

Empress's povs

I yelled."They got AWAY?!"I screamed."Y-yes. It-it won't happen again."Said Raptor."It better not. Or you will end up like Ras!"I threatened."What are we going to do?"He asked."We were foolish. That boy's power is stronger than we can tame........yet."I said."What are we going to do?"He repeated."You will see. They will all see."I said.

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