Dragon Core

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Lloyd's povs

"I will go alone."I said."WHAT?!"Screamed everyone."Lloyd, we need to go to teams! Anything can happen!"Exclaimed Nya."But only an oni and dragon can go into that cave for that dragon core. The rest you can get the other two."I told them."I am your father."He said."You have too much oni. Me on the other hand, I am a mix."I said. 

They all looked at each other uneasily."I promise to call you guys if I have any trouble."I said. Harumi walked up to me."Promise?"She asked."I promise. Now stay safe yourself."I said."I will. Come back in one piece."She said."Will do."I said.

After they dropped me off the cave, I began to go through the dark cave. Dark. Most kids were afraid of the dark, but as a kid, I wasn't. The dark was my friend. But as I grew older, I learned to fear it. Kai and the others would call me a wimp if I ever told them. I sighed."Don't be a baby."I whispered. I used my power, so I could see. 

As I went deeper and deeper, I began to cough. The same thing happened when I went into the cloud of oni. Once I was able to breathe, I looked around. There seemed to be some sort of painting in the cave."Oni and dragon."I whispered. It seemed like one of their wars. I continued to walk. Where I saw the FSM, and two kids."That must be my father and Wu."I said. Then I saw another baby, guessing it was me. As I was was walking, I saw all my battles with my friends. I smiled."We had our good times, didn't we?"I asked. I then saw what seemed to be the dragon cores, and what looked like me.

"This never happened before.."I said."It is about too......"Said a voice."Who's there?"I asked. The voice didn't answer. There was a light. I followed it. I gasped."The dragon core."I said. I began to walk towards it. I then grabbed it, but as soon as I did, I started to scream. I dropped it. What the heck?"Fight through the pain."I told myself. I then screamed as I grabbed it. I ran as I screamed."GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?!"I screamed in my coms."Lloyd?! Is there anything wrong?"Asked Nya."WHERE ARE YOU?!"I screamed."We headed to the dragons cores."She told me."COME HERE RIGHT NOW! I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN-"I screamed."Lloyd! Are you hurt?"Asked Harumi. I hung up.

I was on my knees. I had no idea what was happening. How were we supposed to save all the worlds if I could not stop screaming? I heard an evil laugh I know all too well."IS THIS YOUR DOING?!"I screamed."No, but I am enjoying it."He said. I screamed. I crumbled to the ground."Now, this is my doing."He whispered."I love you."I heard Harumi's voice say. I screamed loudly as I got up. I passed through the path of the cave. As I reached the outside of the cave, I fell to the ground, and let go of that dragon core. And closed my eyes.

What seemed like a moment later, I heard Wu's voice."Lloyd, wake up."He said."M-master?"I asked. I started to get up."Lloyd, I need to tell you something."He said."What?"I asked."I ripped those scrolls because it meant that..You had to use them."He said.

"So?"I asked."So, you may die. I didn't want that I hoped that there would be another way, but it has become clear to me, that there isn't. The choice is yours."He said, with tears in his eyes."I shall see you again soon, my nephew."He said."Wait? Is it true? You..."I said. He nodded sadly."I am."He said."No! I don't....Want to believe it!"I exclaimed."Goodbye Lloyd."He said."NO!"I cried out.

Wu disappeared. The others arrived 10 minutes later. They asked me if I was okay, and I answered:"He's gone. Wu."I said. Nya shed some tears, while Jay and Kai comforted her. Harumi helped me up. Zane carefully picked up the dragon core with a bag. They must know what it will do to you."And guys?"I asked."Yeah?"asked Kai."I know how to stop the merge. Once and for all."I said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!"They all screamed. I didn't tell them about Wu, I just told them how to stop it, I knew they would think I was even crazier."There might be a chance I could-"Zane? What is the chance?"Asked Nya."There is no chance."Said Zane."We will find another way!"Exclaimed Harumi."This time, there is no other way."I told her softly. Tears started to roll off her cheeks."No."She whispered. She then held both of my hands."We can find another way. Together. Like we always do!"She said."You have to let me go. I need to make up for the mistake I made all those years ago!"I exclaimed.

"That wasn't your mistake! It was the Overlord! You know that!"She yelled."I still released them! I was the one! It is time for ME to make up for it!"I yelled."You already have! How much more do you have to give up?!"She demanded."My life!"I yelled."What will happen? After? What will happen to Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre? What will happen to your family? What.......Will happen to ME?!"She screamed."I don't have a choice! Do you think I want to leave you all?! If we want to save the whole world, then you have to give me up."I said. Harumi then ran to our room, and slammed the door."Are you-"I don't have a choice."I said.

Harumi's povs

Lloyd came into the room an hour later. He then sat down next to me. He sighed."You need to understand that I don't want to leave you."He whispered."And you need to understand that I don't want you dead."I told him. He sighed again."I know you feel that way, and I would too if you were the one. But......I am the green ninja, and I need to be the one."He said."Why?"I asked. I then stared him in the eye."Because it is my job, like it is my job to keep you safe."He said."You said you didn't want to lose me again, but now....You are doing the same thing to me. I don't want to lose you. I can't. Neither of us can!"I exclaimed."Please. Don't go."I whispered. He held my hand, and then kissed me.

Lloyd's povs

When I broke the kiss, I said:"I love you."I said."I love you too."She said. I hugged her."I'm doing this partly because of that. Because I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want ANYONE else to get hurt."I said."Ninjas always find a way. I may not be a ninja, but I do know that. If finding another way means you are here with me, then let's do it. Now, promise me that you won't use all three dragon cores."She said."Fine. I promise."I said. But I knew I would break that promise.

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