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Lloyd's povs

I was walking around the palace when I ran into someone."Oh! I am sorry."I said, getting up."Just watch where you are going."He snapped. I then looked at his face."JAY?!"I exclaimed."How do you know my name?!"He demands."Jay! It's me! Lloyd! Don't you remember?"I asked. He titled his head."I am your brother! Don't you remember Nya?"I asked."She really misses you!"I said."Nya? Who is she? She sounds hot."He said. Even if he doesn't remember anything, he still loves Nya."She's your yang! What happened to you after the merge?"I asked.

"Ah. So you have met our agent."Said the Good Empress."Agent?"I asked."Yes. Agent. You may leave."Said the Empress. He did as he was told."What did you do to him?!"I demanded."We did nothing to him. The merge must have made him lose his memory. We only let him in."She said."Do you know how for him to remember?"I asked."No, and we like to keep him the way he is."She said."Now, what are you doing?"She asked."Getting to know the palace."I said with a frown."Is that wrong?"I asked."No, you may continue."She said. She then walked off. I waited until everyone was out of sight."Guys! Come in! Nya!"I said."Lloyd! Are you alright?"Asked Harumi."Guys! I found Jay!"I exclaimed."WHAT?! WHERE?!"Screamed Nya. I again had to pull it away, so my ear didn't bleed."He is at the palace! But he doesn't remember anything!"I exclaimed.

"WHAT! So, he doesn't remember me?!"Demanded Nya."Nope. But he is still in love with you."I said. Nya let out a sigh."How are we supposed to get him-"Gotta go!"I cried out. I hung up. I smiled at Jay. He smiled back. I was glad that Jay was still Jay, or I would be in the deep end.

Nya's povs

"How does he not remember me? How? I mean, we haven't seen each other for years, but he isn't that clueless!"I said."Nya, you need to calm down."Said Sora."Calm down? How? For all we-"I think I know how you can get him back."Said Harumi."HOW?!"I demanded."I think you need to kiss him."She said."WHAT?! How is that going to help?!"Demanded Kai."Well, I don't know much about love. But you and Jay really have something. I am sure that he will remember you."Said Harumi."Well, one way to find out!"I said."Wait! If we go, then Lloyd will-"Yeah I know, I am just going to get alone with him-"No! Nya. I am going to call Lloyd."Said Kai.

The phone rang three times, and then, Lloyd finally picked up."What is it?"Asked Lloyd. He sounded.......drained."Lloyd! Are you alright?"Asked Harumi."Yeah, they just drained me a bit. I'll be fine."He said."Well, you just need to say the word, and I will kill everyone in that damn cit-"HARUMI!"Lloyd screamed."Lloyd! Too loud!"Said Kai."Oh really? Am I too loud? You guys screamed in my ear twice!"He exclaimed."Anyway, Nya is freaking out right now-"Don't worry, but I have to go."Why? Is someone-He hung up."We have to get him out!"Exclaimed Harumi."He says-"Did you not hear what he just said? They are draining him!"Yelled Harumi."Don't worry. He has a plan."Said Skylor. I hope.

Lloyd's povs

"So, who were you talking to?"Asked Dr Larow."Um....myself."I lied. I was always terrible at lying. She pressed something on her phone. It revealed me and the others conversation."That doesn't sound like you were talking to yourself."She said."Agent! Get him!"Ordered Dr Larow. Jay came out of nowhere, and started to attack me."Jay! I don't want too hurt you, but you have to snap out of it!"I said."Snap out of what?"He asked, as he was fighting me."You have forgotten who you are! You are the master of lighting! Nya's yin! You are my brother!"I said. It was no use. I knew I could beat him, but I didn't want to hurt him."Jay, I am sorry."I said. I then shot my powers at him. I then ran. Just then, Raptor came out of the blue, and cut my shoulder. The cut was pretty deep, but I went through worse. I hissed. He laughed. I kicked him in the guts. He grunted, then charged at me again. I blocked his attack, I then shot at him at least twice. He got up, but while he was, Jay kicked me in the back. I yelped. He then shot his powers at me. I yelled. I never knew Jay's powers hurt that much.

Raptor laughed with glee. Jay then handcuffed me before I could get away. Man. I think I am losing my game. They then took me to the Good Empress. They took out my phone, and showed it to the Empress. She dismissed Jay and Raptor."So, you are a spy."She said."No, I am FSM."I said. The Empress's face turned angry."What do you think this is? A game?!"She demanded."Sure. I think my job is to protect everything and everyone is a joke!"I said almost yelling. She called my friends."Hello ninja."Said the Empress."What are you doing? Where is Lloyd?!"I heard Harumi say. My cut was now bleeding down my arm.

"Right here."She said. She then showed me to my friends. They all gasped. They must have seen the cut. I bit my lip, trying not to say anything I would regret."I heard your plan. And if I see any of you ninjas, the boy dies!"She threatened."You wouldn't kill me."I said. She looked at me."You need me lalive for your plan to work, don't you? I heard you say that myself."I said. She walked towards me."You are right. But I can make you suffer."She said. She then took out a knife."No! Don't!"Yelled Harumi. The Empress didn't listen.

She used her knife to cut my wound deeper. I yelled. The pain didn't hurt enough to scream. She then looked at the knife. It was dripping dark red and purple blood."Then I guess we understood each other."She said, turning to the phone. My friends said nothing. They only stared. She hung up. She called for some guards, and told them to take me to one of her cells. Where she had kept all the dragons. The guards dragged me, and threw me in. I yelped again. I started to breathe fast. I then looked at my wound. I then held it with my hand to stop the bleeding."Great. Now YOU are here."Said a voice. I was shocked to see who it was.

Okay. So in the disclaimer, I said that in this chapter there was a spoiler. And that is right, the part that is right is that Jay has lost his memory, but that he works for the Empress is not. That is just what I thought would be cool for the book. That's it for now, see ya all later!

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