Get Out Of My Head!⚝

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I washed my hands, I then noticed that the water! I stared into the mirror. Staring back, wasn't was the oni form of me."No one loves you."He said."You are nothing but a freak!"It yelled."No.....Stop it!"I ordered. The oni grinned."Why should I? I am you, after all."He said."No, you are a monster!"I yelled."Yes, and so are you. You know that Harumi's parents would still be alive if Kai just let you die. You know it's true."He said."STOP IT!"I screamed. The oni laughed."Harumi died because of YOU! Your parents left because of YOU! Everything is your fault!"The oni screamed. I covered my ears. Tears started to flow off my face."Shut up!"I yelled."The world would have been better if you died! Why don't you do the world a favor and kill yourself?"He demanded. I screamed."STOP! SHUT UP!"I screamed even louder. The oni laughed again. I punched the mirror, making the mirror crack into a million pieces My fists started to bleed. I was breathing a lot faster. 

There was a knock on the door."Lloyd? Are you alright?"Asked a voice. Harumi. Great......again. I wiped my tears with the hand that wasn't bleeding. Harumi opened the door. She gasped."Why.........."She then looked at the mirror."Why did you punch the mirror?"She asked."I-I-I-you wouldn't get it."I said quietly. She looked hurt, but didn't say so."Let's get you cleaned up."She said. She got some bandages out of the cover. She then wrapped it around my fists."You said I wouldn't get it, but can you tell me, so I can try?"She asked."No. I am sorry. But I can't."I said in a whisper. She nodded sadly. Nya came in. She gasped. I hid my bandage hand."What happened?"She asked."I-"Crazy right? It was like this when I came in here!"Exclaimed Harumi. Was she........covering for me?"Right Lloyd?"Harumi asked."Um....Yeah."I said. Nya looked at us. She then walked out of the bathroom. I turned to Harumi."Thank you."I said."I owe you for letting me stay. And you are now my friend. And friends look after each other."She said. I smiled."You learn quickly."I said. She smiled.

Me and Harumi headed where the others were."Lloyd! What happened to your hand?"Asked Sora." hand? Oh! I cut myself."I replied."Really?"Asked Harumi in a harsh whisper."What? I am not used to lying to my friends. And it was the best I could think of!"I whispered back."You were taking your sword to the bathroom?"Asked Nya."Never mind that."I said, waving my hand. 

I then decided to go to the monastary's library, to see if I could find anything to stop this merge.....before things get any worse. After 2 hours of searching for the merge, I found something........but it wasn't about the merge."Oni."I read. I picked up the scroll........but it wasn't a was a letter. 

Just then, my head started to hurt like crazy. I yelled in pain."Hahaha. I am back! Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?"Asked the oni."Get out of my head."I ordered."Why? I am just getting started!"He said. Just then, my whole body started to hurt. I saw that my veins turned bright purple! I screamed in pain."How does it feel? To feel all this pain?"He asked."How are you doing this?!"I yelled."I am oni! I feed on pain and suffer!"He yelled. I screamed louder as the pain got worse. I began to fall to the ground. I laid there screaming and screaming. The last thing I saw was my friends rushing to my side.

Harumi's povs

We all rushed to the library when we heard Lloyd scream. When we got there, Lloyd was laying on the ground, his eyes shut close. I gasped. His veins were bright purple! I dropped down to him, I felt his pulse. I sighed."He's alive."I said."Thank the FSM."Said Nya."W-why is his veins purple?"Asked Wyldfyre."We better put him in his bed. Me and Pixal will try and help him."Said Zane. We all followed Zane and Pixal as they carried Lloyd to his room.

I sat right next to Lloyd."Do you know what's wrong with him?"I asked. Zane and Pixal looked uneasily at Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre."They don't know what he is."Answered Pixal."What does that mean?"Asked Wyldfyre."Well, Lloyd isn't human. Or at least full human."Explained Kai."Then, what is he?"Asked Sora."He is part oni, part dragon, and human."Said Nya. Pixal nodded."What does that have to do with anything?"I asked."It seems that oni in him is getting stronger, and the oni is hurting Lloyd. Getting inside his head."Explained Zane. 

That's why he punched the mirror. The oni in him was in his head."But how? Lloyd is good at keeping his oni inside him. Why is it doing it now?"Asked Nya."When the Overlord was taking over the city, Garmadon was training Lloyd. Don't you remember he said about Lloyd unlocking his oni form?"Asked Zane."Yeah, I remember."Said Kai bitterly."Well, Lloyd must of unlock his oni form, and that's making is oni getting stronger."Said Pixal."Will he be okay?"I asked."It's hard to tell. But yeah, for now anyway."Said Pixal."We should let him get some rest. He will wake up."Said Nya. Everyone left. I kissed him on the head."Stay strong Lloyd."I whispered. I then left the room as well.

A few days later.......

Lloyd's povs

I gasped as I woke up. My veins weren't purple anymore."I will be back."Said the oni in a creepy voice. And I knew that the oni would be back. I groaned."I can't live like this."I whispered."But how can I stop this?"I asked. I closed my eyes, then opened them. I got up, but I fell on my knee. I took deep breaths. What is happening? I then stood up. I then walked outside, where I found the others. Harumi jumped on me, I caught her."Don't ever scare us like that again!"She exclaimed. I smiled."I will try not to."I whispered in her ear."Try hard."She whispered in mine. I put Harumi down."We are glad that you are awake again."Said Zane. Kai ruffled my hair."How many more times do you have to pass out?"Teased Kai. I smiled."Hopefully no more."I said. I knew that would not be true, not if the oni in me had anything to say about it."You really scared us teach!"Said Sora."Lloyd. We know about.......why you passed out. The oni is in your head, isn't it?"Asked Pixal. I bit my lip. Should I tell them the truth. or should I lie? I didn't know. Nya put her hand on my shoulder."Just tell us Lloyd! We want to help you."She said."I know. Thanks, but I am fine."I said."Fine?!"Exclaimed Harumi."Your veins were glowing bright purple! And that does not seem fine!"Yelled Harumi."Okay, but I am fine now."I said. They all gave me uncertain looks."I am fine! Really."I said."I wish I could believe you."Said Harumi. I bit my lower lip. I knew I couldn't force her. She knew a lie when she saw one.

I couldn't sleep at all. I tried to go to sleep, but couldn't. All that could come to mind was the voices in my head. What would happen if it came back? Would it keep giving me pain and suffering until I gave in? Into the dark side of my inner self? I couldn't let that happen. Would I hurt my friends? Arin, Sora, WyldFyre, Kai, Nya, Skylor, Zane, Pixal, or even worse.........Harumi. Harumi was sleeping next to me, but she wasn't facing me. I got up, I decided to go on a walk. To clear my head. I got on a sweatshirt, and headed out. I walked until I reached the city. How it had changed! But at the same time, it didn't change at all. I walked through the streets, alleys, and sidewalks. I sighed. Now, what happened next, I wasn;t sure what really happened. All I can recall, was something that hit my head, making me black out. And all I heard was deep and evil laughter, as I fell to the ground.

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