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Harumi's povs

I got Lloyd back to bed with me a few minutes later. He held his gut the whole way......Was there something wrong with it? I wanted to ask, but I felt it was best to let him tell me. Before he knew I was the quiet one, he used to come to me for things on his own, sure when I asked about the things that were on his mind, he would answer, but he would only answer fully when he felt the need to talk, when the time was right. I didn't fall asleep, but Lloyd did. He's so cute when he is asleep. I thought. I smiled."No. No."He muttered. He shook his head."Shhh. It's all right."I said. I then laid down a bit, and tilted my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe I should see what's wrong with you."I said. I sat back up, and opened his shirt....To find a scar....I touched it gently, which made Lloyd hiss. I quickly pulled away, a little startled."What happened, Lloyd?"I whispered. I pulled a piece of hair from his face. He muttered something I couldn't understand."What the heck is going on?"I asked, hoping for an answer. But nothing."You have been through so much....Why can't fate give you a break?!"I demanded. I planted a kiss on his forehead, he smiled a bit. I smiled."Glad I made you smile, my sweetheart."I whispered.

I stayed with Lloyd until he woke up."Morning, my love."I said. He smiled."And good morning to you, my flower."He said. I giggled."What time is it?"He asked."Almost 10."I replied. His eyes went wide."I slept.....That long?!"He asked."Yes, and that was good. When was the last time you slept in?"I asked."Since I was 10."He answered."Does it feel good?"I asked."Yes and no."He replied. I laughed."Yeah, that's the same with me."I said. 

He looked at his shirt."Did you......?"He asked. I blushed."Well, I had a reason. You were hurting, and I wanted to see what it was....And I saw the scar."I said."Scar?!"He asked."You didn't notice it?"I asked. He looked down at the scar."Mm. Guess that explains it."He whispers."What?"I asked."Nothing."He said."Come on, the others are up by now."I said."No kidding."Mumbled Lloyd. I took his hand, and led him to the others. I looked at him to see that he was still holding that scar.......

Lloyd's povs

I fixed my shirt, and greeted the others."There are the sleepy heads!"Exclaimed Kai. I frowned, remembering what happened in the bathroom. Harumi then held my hand, and gave me'It's alright' smile."Thanks."I whispered. 

I wasn't ready to tell Harumi or anyone for that matter. I mean, it all happened so fast. And we don't have time for my problems, we need to reach the three dragons cores. We know almost nothing about them. And I am done with worrying about my oni side. I just need to stay calm and not let anything get in the way......

"Nya, any info about the dragons cores?"I asked."No, master Wu really didn't want anyone to find it....I think there is a catch of some kind."She answered. I nodded."Lloyd? Why are you holding-"My father stopped and pointed at my gut. I quickly took my hand away."No reason."I said with some pain. Harumi pulled me aside."Why are you not telling them what happened?"She asked."I don't want them to worry. And besides, we have bigger things to handle!"I said."You are important!"She said."It doesn't even hurt that bad!"I said."Oh really?"She demanded. I nodded with a forced smile."Then why did you hiss when I touched it?"She asked."I did not!"I yelled. She then gently touched the scar. I hissed. She looked at me with an'I told you so' look.

"Okay! Okay! But I am not going to tell them!"I said."And why is that?!"She demanded."I don't want them to worry, that's all!"I said."Just because you are the green ninja, doesn't mean you can be the hero all the time! You need help!"She said, almost shouting."No, I don't! I am FINE!"I yelled."Oh really?! Then why did I-"We are done with this!"I said. I then dashed into my room, slamming the door behind me. 

Harumi's povs

Did-did that just happen?! UH! Why is he like this?! Why can't he admit that he needs help?! I did find him in the bathroom, with a SCAR on his gut! The others came rushing over."Harumi, we heard screaming and shouting, is everything all right?"Asked Garmadon."Everything is fine. Lloyd and I just had a fight."I said angrily. I then stormed out of there, and went to the outside of the ship. 

Lloyd's povs

I took off my shirt to see how bad the scar was. I looked in the mirror. It was red mixed with purple. My oni blood. It was dry, so I wasn't really bleeding. But....The scar seemed to be tad bigger. Maybe Rumi was right.......'Uh. Sometimes I think that bratty kid that I used to be, never went away."I said. Nya came in. She gasped when she saw the scar."LLOYD! How did you get that scar?!"She asked. I sat on my bed, and she sat next to me. I bit my lip. I didn't know how to tell her."Well....."I said. And began my story.

After I finished, I looked at Nya. She looked stunned."Why didn't you tell us?"She asked."I didn't want you guys to worry."I said in a sad tone."Lloyd, of course we are going to worry! You are a part of our family. You are not alone. You need to remember that."She said."I know. Sometimes my stubbornness can get in the way."I mumbled. Nya raised her eyebrow."Sometimes?"She asked. I rolled my eyes."Okay, all the time."I said, with my hands in the air. 

Nya laughed a bit, then had a serious look on her face."Is this what Harumi and you were fighting about?"She asked."Whoa, whoa. We weren't fighting, we were DISAGREEING! And yes. It was. I understand that she was trying to help, but I guess.....I got mad, and then she got mad, it wasn't anything serious....."I said."I understand where both of you are coming from...Maybe it's time you guys made up."Said Nya. I sighed."You are right. Thanks."I said."Anytime, little bro."She said, and playfully punched me in the shoulder. I smiled. I got up, and went to talk to Harumi.

"Harumi, we need to talk."I said."About how you were stupid about this?"She demanded."Well, EXCUSE me! I just am not used to having all the things happen so fast!"I said."Like US?!"She asked rudely."Hey! I was the one who fell in love with YOU!"I shot back."And are you still?"She asked."of course I am!"I yelled.

Kai's povs

We spied on Lloyd and Harumi, to see if they were back to the love birds they are....At first they started talking, then they started to shout and yell."This is not good."Jay said, shaking his head."Oh thanks for pointing THAT out!"I said in a harsh tone. Everyone started to fight, and we finally stopped when Garmadon shouts:"Quit all your bickering! The fireworks are starting!"We all looked to see what he meant. Lloyd and Harumi had made up, and they were kissing.

Harumi's povs

Lloyd and I shot insults and shouts at each other, until enough was enough."What are we doing? We are like children now!"I said."Yeah, guess we are."He said.

"Okay, what were you going to say?"I asked."I was going to say that I was sorry for being a pain in a butt, and that I should open up to you and the guys. And that you look just as beautiful the first time I saw you."He said. I smiled."And you look just as handsome, maybe even more than before."I said. He blushed."Aw. Please don't make me blush!"He said. I laughed."I love you, and I am sorry too."I said."I love you more."He said."Not likely."I said. We then press our lips against each other.

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