Part 2: First Visual Appearance

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My eyes slowly opened when I heard my alarm go off. I groaned as I got up from my bed as I turned off my alarm clock. I yawned as I sat up.

"Damn I'm so tired. I only had five hours of sleep. But it's worth it. Plus it's the longest sleep I had", I thought.

I got up from bed, grabbed my robe, and head to my bathroom. I started to take a shower and started to look at my old wounds. I consider them my battle scars from my missions of getting rid of bad people. Once I was done, I put on my robe and went to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Dark circles....", I said.

I sighed before starting to brush my teeth and applying cream all around my face and body. I then left the bathroom and back into my room to grab some clothes for me to wear. I wore a black t-shirt, jean shorts, and black Adidas. I also wore a dark red hoodie. 

I finished getting ready to go out so i grabbed my wallet, phone, a book, and my bag with my costume and gadgets then left my apartment building

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I finished getting ready to go out so i grabbed my wallet, phone, a book, and my bag with my costume and gadgets then left my apartment building.

I was now outside and started to walk around my neighborhood and into the city of Washington DC. I started walking in between people as they were all going through their own business. Soon, I stopped at my favorite cafe and went inside. The atmosphere was really nice which was the reason why I love it so much. I went to the front to talk with the lady cashier.

"Hello, welcome. What would you like?" The lady cashier said.

"One coffee.... two sugars with almond milk", I said softly but loud enough for her to hear.

"Yes ma'am. It will be done in a few minutes. That will be-", The lady cashier said then told me the amount of the coffee.

I paid her then sat down at one of the tables with my head down. I started to listen to chattering of other people around the cafe along with the coffee machines from the baristas.

"Ma'am, your coffee is ready!" I heard the lady said.

I got up, grabbed my coffee, and left the place sipping my coffee. I walked around the area as I heard chattering of civilians and the cars driving around.

"Everything seems so peaceful. Why is there people who always try to destroy that peacefulness in this world?" I thought to myself.

I soon finished my coffee before heading into the park so I could relax and read my book. It was one of my favorite books and I have read it hundreds of times. I soon got to the park and sat down on a bench. I sat with my knees tucked to my chest and started to read my book.

As I read my book, I would soon hear some shouting that was coming from some people in the park. I looked up to see that people were running out of the park and into the streets. I watched this situation happened until I got ahold of a man before ran far from me.

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