Part 9 We Meet Again

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It was the next day and I was in sitting on my couch watching TV eating a fruit puree bowl that I bought earlier. I soon finished eating it and continued switching different TV channels. I sighed quietly finding absolutely nothing to watch. I went into my room and changed into my outfit for today. (Outfit below)

I finished brushing my hair but suddenly an idea popped out of my head

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I finished brushing my hair but suddenly an idea popped out of my head.

"Maybe..... I could go get some stuff at the metal yard. I could probably fix Grandpa's old car," I thought to myself.

I quickly put on my shoes and left my apartment with my things then into the sidewalk. I grabbed my phone and looked up the nearest auto parts store and found one forty minutes from me. I started walking towards the directions as people were minding their own business.

"This is good. No danger, no criminals walking around exposing themselves. I mean, they would know better once they realized who would be after them," I thought to myself.

I continued walking until I stopped at a pedestrian signal and waited for the time to go. As I waited, I felt myself being looked at. I turned to the side to see and a man staring at me but we immediately locked eyes once we recognized each other. Oh... gosh... not again with feds.

"Riley?" He spoke as he came closer to me. Seriously, why am I all of the sudden being flocked by feds when I'm not even in costume?

"Hello... Mr.Gibbs. It's been a while," I said monotonously.

"Certainly has been. How are you?" He asked.

".... Okay, I guess. You?" I answered putting my hands into my pockets.

It was now time for us to walk across the street and we both did started walking.

"I've been fine. Busy but fine," He answered.

"I would believe so since you're NCIS," I said to him.

He chuckled softly before nodding his head in agreement.

"I got the day off today. Bothers me but had no other choice. I would rather be solving cases than doing nothing during my day," He said.

I glanced at him when I heard his response then hummed in understanding.

"Did you... um.... catch the person that killed that marine guy?" I asked remembering our first encounter.

"Yep, he's in jail now. Where he belongs," He responded. I nodded before going silent again.

I don't know why but this is kinda weird how it's becoming common for me now to suddenly be approached by federal agents or normal police officers.

"So, where are you heading off to?" He asked.

"... I have some errands to do. I'm working on a personal project," I said.

He raised his eyebrows with interest. "You're creating something?" He asked to which I tilted my head.

"Hmm.... more like fixing something..... An old car that I have stored away. It's.. vintage," I explained softly.

I looked at him and saw his eyes were filled with interest. We continued to talked as we walked together until it seems like we got to the middle part of the town. I realized this which made Gibbs look as well.

"Seems like we've talked a lot that we haven't paid attention," He commented which I nodded my head in agreement.

I started to look around until some smell hit my nose. It smelled so familiar and so delicious. Something I really need right now.

"Coffee?" Me and Gibbs say. We both looked at each other which made him smirk. He then motioned his head for me to follow him. He then started to walk towards a coffee cart with me staring at him.

".... This is getting weird. How are me and this agent so similar? He's suppose to be a total entitled crooked man. Yet.... He's not", I thought to myself.

I stopped my thoughts and followed Mr. Gibbs to the coffee cart.

"Can I get a plain black coffee?" He asked before glancing at me.

I glanced back before looking at the coffee vendor guy.

"Coffee with hazelnut milk and two sugars?" I said.

"Coming right up!" The worker said.

I went to grab my wallet until Gibbs got my attention.

"It's alright, kid. I got this," He said before paying the man on our coffees.

"I didn't need you paying for me," I said glaring at him.

"Well, you're too late for that. Plus, I wanted to. See as it was a treat", He said keeping a smile on his face.

I stared at him blankly before we were told our coffees were ready. I took at sip of my coffee before mumbling to Gibbs. "Thanks," I mumbled softly.

"No problem", He said as we continued our walk.

..... Maybe....

Maybe.... He is different. But I should still keep my guard up and try my best to distance myself from him.

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now