Part 1: The Debut

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The night was quiet in the state of Virginia. Some are driving, some are sleeping in their homes, and everyone else are doing their own thing. 

However, there is a dark side to everything just like everywhere else around the world. There is violence towards others. Many survive, while others don't.

Right now, there is a huge problem in the suburbs part of the state.

A house fire.

The house was becoming so big and the firefighters were trying their very best to put out the fire and rescue the ones inside. But to no avail, the fire kept becoming more of a problem. The mother of the family inside was screaming for help while the rest of the family were still in doors.

"We need to get the family out of there!" One firefighter said.

"Captain, the fire is too strong and the smoke is too quick! We can't see through it!" Another firefighter said.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WE CAN'T JUST SIT HERE AND DO NOTHING!" The captain firefighter yelled.

"B-But we-", A third firefighter said before he was cut off by something shooting out of the burning house and spread around the front lawn. It looked fluffy and well matted for people to lay on. 

Before any of the firefighters could react, the family in the burning house were getting out of the house through the window and landed right on the fluffy matted substance. First was the children, then the father, and lastly the mother. 

Quickly, some of the firefighters went to the aid of the family members but before one of the firefighters could help the mother, she screamed that someone else is in there. But it was too late because the firefighters were still trying to put out the fire and the house was too dangerous for anyone to get into. 

The ambulance quickly took the family to the nearest hospital. There the family was being tend to their serious injures. The only one conscious was the mother of the family. So in the next day, when she was okay enough to talk to, two police detectives went up to her to ask questions.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Detective Marco. This is my partner Detective Lars. We like to ask you a few questions about what happened", The first detective said and the woman nodded.

They asked her a few standard questions until they soon asked about how they were able to escape and what she meant by someone else was in there because there wasn't any traces of someone being there.

"Ma'am you reportedly said there was someone who was in the house once you're entire family was outside safely. But we couldn't find anything to prove that. Do you mind explaining to us what or who you saw?" Detective Lars said.

"T-There.... w-was a person in the house. W-Wearing all black.... face c-cov-vered. I don't know how. T-They broke the window, shot something outside,..... t-t-then grabbed my children, then my husband, then me. T-They whispered something to me but I couldn't hear them because of the fire. They saved us. They saved my family. They were an angel sent from god", The woman said before crying happily and praising the mysterious person.

The two detectives looked at each other before thanking the woman for the information then left the hospital towards the cop car.


Unbeknownst to anyone, the mysterious person was doing the own investigation and found out that the fire was caused by a man who hated the husband of the family. Now here we are in a abandoned warehouse in the bad part of Virginia with the mysterious person standing right in front of the man who cause the family harm. He was tied up and was beaten up. 

"P-Please.. stop. I'm sorry", The man tried to speak. 

"No amount of begging will change the fact that you tried to kill a family over simple jealousy of becoming higher power", the mysterious person said. 

The mysterious person continued their assault until they finally had enough so they wanted to put the man out of his misery. They held their knife up to the man's neck getting ready to slice through. But before anything happens, the man spoke once more.

"W-Who..... Who are you?" The man spoke softly.

The mysterious person stopped what they were doing and looked straight into the man's injured eyes. 

"People call me......

.....The Grimm Reaper", The mysterious person said before slitting the man's throat. 

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now