Part 12: An Understandment

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I was walking into the bullpen with agent Hotchner and Rossi while the rest of our teams were working together. This grouping has been very impactful for the last few hours but I can't do anything about since Jen gave this an okay.

"What have we got?" I said which made everyone look at me.

"Boss, I have found many statements that goes back to five years of victims of cases that had a good look at The Grimm Reaper. Says that they wearing all black with a cape. Wearing goggles with red lenses and a mask. They also spoke in a dark tone," McGee said.

"Sounds like your average wannabe Batman," Agent Prentiss said.

"Yeah but they also say that they couldn't see that much since it was nighttime," Agent Morgan said.

"Which means we still don't have a chance at finding anything useful enough to find this person," Ziva sighed.

"The Grimm Reaper has been around for a decade. We need to look deeper into this. They had to have dropped some sort of evidence behind," Agent Rossi said.

Just as agent Rossi was saying this, Dr. Reid came walking in. He looked as if he needed to say something but was against it. All while holding a folder in his hands.

"Hotch," Reid said which got Agent Hotchner attention.

"I know this is bad on my part but....," He said before going silent and held a folder out to Agent Hotchner for him to take.

He took the folder then opened it. He started reading whatever was in the folder before shooting his head back up to Dr. Reid with a pissed off look.

"Reid, where did you get this? And for how long did you have this?!" He said sternly making the doctor flinch a little.

"What is it?" I questioned. Agent Hotchner handed me the folder and I started to read all of the documents in it.

I stared at the information. This was a lot of information. Some that hasn't even been brought into light on the news. About The Grimm Reaper.

I shot my head up and gave the young doctor a deadly glare. He's been holding onto this and hasn't shown anyone about it?

"You've been holding evidence about the Grimm Reaper for long time? Why haven't you done anything with this?" Hotchner said.

Everyone looked at the young doctor and it was clearly making him uncomfortable.

"I-I...," He stuttered. I stepped closer.

"Talk!" I shouted at him. He jumped before looking at his leader.

"I... I-I wasn't the one who started collecting it. I... was continuing it because I was asked to", He explained before Agent Hotchner spoke sternly.

"By who?" He asked.

There was silence for a few minutes before Hotchner spoke again.

"Reid, do you know how much trouble you can be in for holding this? Some of this stuff hasn't even been shown on news articles. Now who started collecting this evidence?" He said.

Dr.Reid stayed silent again before staring at Agent Hotchner one more time.

"It was Gideon," He answered.

I looked over at Agent Hotchner and saw that his eyes widen and even some of his team was shocked themselves.

"Who is Gideon?" I asked.

"He was the former senior agent for the BAU before Agent Rossi joined. He was also one of the founders of the BAU," Agent Morgan said before turning to Dr. Reid.

"Reid, how long was Gideon holding onto this?" He asked.

"From what I've seen... this goes back all the way to 1997," Dr. Reid answered.

"What?!" Agent Hotchner said angrily.

"Why would your friend hold onto something like this? This stuff could give us a better look at this. It would help us reveal who The Grimm Reaper is and lock them away for go-," Dinozzo said before Dr. Reid cut him off.

"He didn't want to lock the Grimm Reaper away," He said. I looked at him.

"What do you mean he didn't want to lock them away? What was the point of making this case then?" I asked.

Dr. Reid looked down nervously before clearly his voice.

"H-He wanted.... um.. to talk to The Grimm Reaper and try to persuade her to join the FBI," He said.

We all looked at him as if he had two heads. Is this kid serious?

"Reid, that's ridiculous," Agent Morgan said.

"I agree. For an idea such as that could make things worse. Especially for us considering we would all need to watch our backs around the-," Ziva said before I cut her off.

"Wait a minute. You said 'persuade HER'. Are you saying the Grimm Reaper is female?" I asked looking at the young doctor.

He nodded slightly. "How do you know that? No one reported seeing anything that could depict them being a woman," Agent Prentiss said.

Dr.Reid took a deep breath as his face turned grim. "The roof accident from year. When I was pushed off and the Grimm Reaper saved me, I was able to get a look at her. Even speak a few words to her. She's almost Morgan's height with brown hair. I couldn't seeing anything else due to how much stuff was on her suit and on her face," He said.

"Reid, why have you never told us this?" Agent Jareau asked going next to him.

"Back then, it was hard speaking about that whole incident without looking at the 'what ifs'. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the Grimm Reaper. She saved me from an early death and as I look through all the things Gideon left including the things I found myself, I think she's really making a difference in the world" He answered.

"Reid-," Hotchner said before the doctor cut him off.

"I know that is horrible for me to say. But it's what I feel and with all this information, this is the case. The Grimm Reaper has lowered the crime rate in the US for all these years. Something all law enforcement should be doing but instead most are the problem due to dirty cops and corrupted politicians. The Grimm Reaper has helped a lot and we all know it. Yes the constant killings is also a problem but if we persuade her, we may be able to get her to join sides," He finished.

We all took silent after his whole speech. I stared at him before walking to my desk with his words going through my head. This infamous vigilante joining law enforcement? The very people who they or..... she express hatred the most? It's stupid thinking but I guess.... from Dr.Reid and the former BAU agent Gideon's perspective, it's not impossible.

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