Part 11: Learning

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I was in the park eating some ice cream while reading The Shining by Stephan King. It's been quiet since I haven't been around those feds. It also been great since there haven't been any crimes around Virginia. But I still look around to see if any idiots would try anything.

As I continued eating my ice cream, I was soon interrupted by sirens in the distance. I stared at the direction before getting up and walking towards the sounds. Once I got there, I see a lot of cop cars and police tape around an area of the street along with a huge crowd and media surrounding it. My eyebrows furrowed before walking towards the scene. I pushed myself through the crowd to see what is going on until I saw what is going on. A murder scene. The scene I caused with a scumbag.

I looked around the area and walked around until I felt myself pushed back. I looked up and saw that I accidentally bumped into someone.

"....Sorry," I said.

The person looked at me but I soon realized who is was. Another fed.

"Derek?" I said to which his eyes widen and a smile was brought to his face.

"Derek?" I said to which his eyes widen and a smile was brought to his face

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"Oh, hey you. Long time no see. What a coincidence I find you here," He said.

"Agreed," I said. I studied his look. He definitely has the physique for an FBI agent. But he seems like he's more brawn than brains. He's probably either the leader or the leader's right hand man.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I heard Derek chuckling. I looked up at him and saw him smirking at me.

"Like what you see?" He asked. I stared at him for a few seconds for answering.

"Pretty ordinary...," I said. He acted like he was hurt by holding his chest. "Ouch, that hurts," He said.

I rolled my eyes before turning back to the scene. Exactly where I left the scumbag, three other people are surrounding him. A few I recognize to be Derek and his friend I saved's friends from the gym. Gotta act now.

"The hell happened here?" I asked him.

"Oh.... nothing important," He replied.

"Looks like they're dead to me," I shot back.

"Sorry beautiful, but I can't talk to you about this," He said.

"Morgan!" Someone said behind him. We both turned and saw a older man with black hair and wearing a black suit staring at Derek with a stern look.

"It be really appreciated if you'd stop slacking and get back to work," He said.

"Sorry Hotch," Derek said before turning back to me.

"Got to go back to work. See you around Ash," He said before walking away.

As he did, me and the guy who Derek called Hotch had a staring match. He seems like he's the leader type. Pretty intimidating for most people.

 Pretty intimidating for most people

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I walked away into the crowd. If the FBI is looking into my victims, then it seems like there will be some complications again. But that doesn't matter. The FBI tried once, they could try again. They'll give up regardless when they can't find anything to identify me. As I continued to walked, I started look around the area and a lot of people were trying their best to take a look at the crime scene. Then I stopped at my tracks when I saw a truck parked on the other side of the building close to the crime scene. On the side, it says NCIS. It hit me.

"Wow... joining forces, are we? Let's see how that will work out," I thought.

I walked away towards the direction of my apartment complex as I tried to make a plan to make sure nothing can be pointed towards me in crime scenes. As I did, I notice Gibbs and his group were joining Derek's teammates in the crime scene. I furrowed my eyebrows before walking away more. This is going to be fun.

Let The Games Begin~

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now