Part 5: Crossing Paths (1)

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It was now nighttime and I was on my night patrol but I traveled my way to the Big Apple. New York City. It's been a while since I've been in the city. Mostly because I haven't found targets that were too much of a threat. Anyways, as I walked through the city scouting the area I was in, when all of a sudden, I heard screaming. 

"That's my cue!", I thought before using my grappling hook wrist launcher to get up on top of the building next to me and started running and jumping at each building. It was great that I learned parkour or else I would've died easily while trying to jump to different buildings. 

I soon got to where the screaming was coming from and saw that it was a woman trying to fight off two men. So I dropped down using my special combat boots. This made all of them take notice of me due to the loud stomp from my landing.

"Aye! Who the hell are you?" One of the men said.

I stood up staring right at him and started to crack my knuckles. 

"Leave her alone, you cowards", I said using my voice changer. 

"Oh so you are some damn weirdo in a costume? Get outta here, dude. This isn't any of your business", The second guy said.

When they went back to try and grab the girl again, I quickly shove the two men roughly enough to get them away from the girl and had the girl behind me. I turned to her.

"....Run....", I said to her. She nodded and quickly ran out of the alleyway. 

Both men looked at me with angry looks.

"That's it! You're gonna get it now!", The first guy said as he lunges at me.

I dodged each of his punches until I pulled out my knife and stabbed the man right through his chest. He let out a gasp before I pulled it out of him. He was now on his knees and stared right at me. I then used the same knife and slit the man's throat the way I usually do it which instantly killed him. Once his body dropped, I looked straight up to his friend who stared in horror.

I sped walked towards his direction to which he ultimately started to run but before he could get too far, I used my grappling hook wrist launcher to grab him and pull him back into the alleyway and thrown him next to his dead buddy. 

"Please! Please! I promise I won't do this again! I won't bother another woman again. Just please, let me go!", He cries out with tears forming in his eyes. 

I stared into his eyes deeply. What a crybaby. He does disgusting acts to a woman and yet he cries about the consequences of his actions? I scoffed softly.

".....Go...", I said to him. He nodded before quickly thanking me as he ran off. 

I sighed before getting back on the roof to check out the rest of the city before getting on my laptop to find the main target I'm going for. A target that even the police is even checking out. A person who has kidnapped a 15 year old boy. But too bad for them because I'm three steps ahead of them. 


It's six in the morning and me and the others were still looking at this case about the missing 15 year old boy named Michael Waters that we got one day ago. We learned that this guy has been kidnapping all ages of people before killing them in 5 days. But I think we're almost there at getting this guy. However, we had to put the case on hold when we got a call about a man being found dead in a alleyway. Apparently the one who reported it ran away after the person who killed him got involved in the scene. 

So now me, Elliot, Fin, and John are at the scene looking at the body. 

"So, anything from the neighbors?" I said. 

"All they know is that they heard screaming from both parties. The attackers and the victim. Then they heard a softer voice and the attackers. One neighbor even said that they heard one of the attackers pleading for their lives. The victim is now with a sketch artist so we could identify the one that got away and the third party", Fin said.

"Guys, come check this out", We heard Elliot say. 

Me and Fin then went to Elliot where the body is under the blanket. He then proceeds to take the blanket and turn it over to where we can only see the man's head, neck, and shoulders. The man had his throat slashed.

"Tell me, do either of you recognize this type of work?" Elliot asked pointing to the man's throat where he goes other the fatal wound.

"Throat slicing is a common technique, Elliot. This is nothing special", I said.

"Yeah well, where do you see this type of slashing?" He asked before gently moving the guy's head to see two smaller deep cuts on the left side of the injury.

Well that's different. I never saw any slashing like that before. Especially when the slashing is that detailed. But now that I look at it more, the MO does look familiar.

"It does look familiar but I can't remember where", I said as we all stood up straight.

"Three words. The Grimm Reaper", Elliot said.

My eyes widen. The Grimm Reaper? Here?! In New York City?!

"How can that be? The Grimm Reaper hasn't even shown up around here, El. You sure this ain't some fan of theirs?" Fin responded.

"No... no it's the real deal Fin. But my biggest question is, how on earth are they going around the entire US and beating down criminals like this guy? It's nearly impossible for all of this to happen and for one person to do", I said.

We stayed silent as all three of us look down at the body.

"So what do we do now? If the Grimm Reaper is here, it's gonna be impossible to catch them. Believe me, I heard many officers' stories about trying to arrest this guy", Elliot said. 

"I say we tell the captain about this and see what he thinks. But for right now, I believe we need to work on this and our previous case as well", I said. 

Both of them nodded before we all did our own thing around the crime scene. I sighed at the thought that the most wanted vigilante was here in the city. Why here after many years away? 

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now