Part 7: Gym Time

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It was morning time and I was getting ready to start my day. Today was a free day so I'm off work. As I was finishing getting dress, I heard my phone ringing.

"Please don't tell me it's Hotch. He said it himself that we could have a day off", I thought.

I picked up my phone to see that it wasn't Hotch. It was Morgan. I answered it.

"Hey Morgan", I answered.

"Hey Pretty boy, listen. Me, Prentiss, and Garcia are heading towards the gym today. Do you want to join us?" He asked.

"No offense Morgan, but I don't think I would fit in if I go to a gym. I'm more stronger when it comes to obstacles for the brain then in muscle", I said. This only made him chuckle.

"Well that's just too bad because you know why?" He said. Now I know he's up to something by the tone of his voice. Not even in the same room and I can tell that he's smirking.

"Why?" I answered clearly knowing that he's plotting.

"Cause me and the girls are already outside your apartment", He said.

My eyes widen. You got to be kidding me..

"So you better be outside in 15 minutes wearing a gym outfit or else", He said before hanging up.

I took a deep sigh. I should be mad at this but this is Derek Morgan we're talking about. He would always try to find a way to get me out of my normal routine and try something new.

I quickly changed into something that would be appropriate for the gym before grabbing my belongings and left my apartment. I soon made it outside seeing Morgan, Emily, and Garcia waiting for me. Once they saw me, the girls said hi but Morgan watched me while holding his face.

"What?" I said clearly annoyed by his antics.

"Sorry I just.... never thought I'd see you wear something like that", He said while holding in laughter. I glared at him which only made his smile widened.

"How come JJ or Rossi didn't come along?" I asked.

"JJ's spending time with Henry and Will. As for Rossi... well.. we know how he is", Emily said.

I hummed before we all got into the car and soon drove off to the gym. Still can't believe that did this. I would have told them to leave but Morgan is too persistent. Not to mention he would have dragged me out of my place and to the gym anyway. We soon got there as we got out of the car and headed inside. There were a lot of people on the gym equipment or doing their own exercises.

"Okay so I'm going to take Reid to help him. You guys following?" Morgan said. The girls shook their head no before walking away.

I furrowed my eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean help me?" I asked.

"Well we're going to find a way for you to have a good exercise routine. Something you can do", He said.

"I'm not touching these equipment. Do you know how much bacteria is on those things because of the amount of sweat build up?" I said.

He shook his hand before grabbing me and pulling me closer inside. Why did I even go outside?


It's been a week since I was in New York City. I'm now back in Virginia and feeling slightly content being home. I like being home more but I know I need to be helping everyone in the US and continue to be a hero.

Right now, I'm in a gym trying to exercise for any future missions. I wore a black sports bra and shorts, a gray tank top, and gray Nike shoes. It's always good to train so that enemies would have a harder time fighting me.

I started using the punching bag while listening to some music on my IPod Touch. As I did this, I could slightly heard voices behind me but soon ignored it. That was until I felt someone get pushed into me. I turned around to see a man sitting right in front of me.

"Morgan!" The guy shouted. I grab the back on the guy's shirt which made him flinch. Soon he looked up and my eyes widen when we were both face to face.

"I-I..... Is that the FBI agent I saved a year ago? No.... why is he here?" I thought. I then shook my head to get out of my thoughts and took my earphones off. I stared down at the agent before gripping his shirt harder pulling him flinch again.

"Get up", I said sternly.

He quickly got up and dusted himself off then faced me slightly shaking.

"I'm s-sorry... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You see, my friend was-", He said quickly before he started rambling about nonsense to me. His face was completely red as his stuttering became worse.

Is this guy really an FBI agent or do they just hire anyone into their agency?

As he continued to rambling, soon another person came behind him quickly shushing him.

"Reid, that's enough", The guy said. He was a tall, muscular African American man with a bald head, a goatee, wearing a black tank top, blue basketball shorts, and black Adidas shoes. He would seem to be someone who people would find attractive. His agent friend as well. Maybe he was an agent as well.

"Sorry...", The agent said who was referred to as Reid. He then walked away to two girls before his friend spoke up to me with a smile on his face.

"Sorry about that. I accidentally pushed him into you. I saw him taking a few glances at you. I just wanted him to try and talk to you but it went wrong", He said.

Try and talk to me? Wait... he was glancing at me?

"Glan..cing?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I mean, you're a very attractive woman", He said.

This made me pause for a few minutes. Me? Attractive? I don't understand... what makes me attractive?

"Are you okay?" He asked. I turned to him before realizing that I forgot he was here.

"M.. My apologies. I just never heard someone tell me that", I said lowly.

"Well its true. No reason to doubt it. By the way, my name is Derek Morgan. Nice to meet you, miss...," He said before waiting for me to answer.

Okay, what name should I give him? Something new? ..... I got it.

"Ashley... but I like to go by Ash.... most of the time," I said mumbling the last part.

He then smiled widely again at me before holding his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

He then smiled widely again at me before holding his hand out waiting for me to shake it

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"Well it was nice meeting you Ash. Hopefully, we'll meet here again in better circumstances," He said. I stared at his hand before taking it and shaking it. I nodded slightly before we let go of each others hands and he walked back to his friends.

Sorry Mr. Morgan, but I don't plan to see you again. Not after seeing you probably are an FBI agent.

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