Part 4: A Year Later

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Its been a year since my first appearance to society. Back then, many people wouldn't shut up about how I save that FBI agent. What make it worse is that there are some people coming out to the world telling them that they are me. But that all stopped. Why? Because I gave them a 'small' warning about taking my credibility. But now, I made sure to keep myself in the night shadows so that I don't get bothered during the day.

Right now, I'm in my lab creating a fixing my goggles and updating them so that they could be used to see in the dark better. Once I was finished, I got out of my lab and back into my living room. My apartment room is big so i have a few empty rooms that I don't use until I turned one of them into my lab/hero lair. I then grabbed my robe and went to the bathroom. Once I was done showering, I dried myself up and grabbed pieces of clothes that I thought would look okay. I wore a black shirt with a picture of a skull thinking about pizza along with a black and white sleeved undershirt, black jean with laces on the sides, and black combat boots.

I then started to dry and brush my hair. Once everything is done, I decide that today I go to the nearest park. So I grabbed my phone, wallet, keys, a book, and some snacks to eat. I then left my apartment and soon left the apartment building towards the direction of the park.

Everything seems to be peaceful nowadays. Probably because these bad guys are in fear that I'll cross paths with them. I felt mentally satisfied with that conclusion. I finally got to the park and walked through it so I could get to my usually spot in the park. It was a bench area where there was a good view of the pond. Once I got to it, I sat down with my knees tucked to my chest and started to read the book I brought. It was a classic, The Great Gatsby. I got the chance to buy a copy a few months ago. While I was reading, I was hearing some loud voices coming from my right side. I decided to ignore it until it got louder which made me irritated a lot more.

"Boss!" I heard a third voice say.

I growled lowly until I saw that two more people showed up and saw that one of them accidentally bumped into a older guy holding a cup of coffee. This made the older guy let go of his coffee cup. I quickly ran into their direction and grabbed his coffee cup before it fell onto the ground. Only a little of the coffee fell onto my hand and onto the ground. I stood up and saw that the guy turned to his colleagues and was not happy.

"Your friend.... seems very clumsy, sir", I said loud enough for all of them to hear me.

They all turned to me and some of them flinched when they saw me.

 I tilted my head un-amused by their reaction

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I tilted my head un-amused by their reaction. But then my attention was turned when the older man started to speak.

"Hello. Who might you be?" He asked bluntly.

"The one who saved your coffee, that's who", I responded holding his coffee up to him.

He looks down at it then takes the cup.

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now