Part 3: The Hunt

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I stared in shock as I silently watch the vigilante that has been around for many years has now outed themselves and is swinging away from reporters and the other civilians. Well, now its not they now, it's a she. I stood up dusting myself off the substance that the Grimm Reaper placed on the ground. I stared at the material that she used to help us land safely without any injures.

"This invention is impressive. It's well matted and it seems to be better than anything that could be used to help people land safely when performing a stunt", I thought to myself. 

But I was soon cut off from my thoughts when I heard my name being called. 

"REID!" A familiar voice called out. 

I turned only to be embraced into a tight hug by my one of my teammates, Derek Morgan. I hugged back and met more hugs by Prentiss, Rossi, and Hotch. 

We all broke into tears as we let go of each other. 

"I'm so sorry Reid. If only I...", Morgan said trying his best to speak. 

"No Morgan. Its okay. You couldn't have known. None of us could have known that Baker would have done that", I said wiping my face. 

"But how did you-", Rossi said but was cut off by the detective we've been working with.

"Hey, we got people reporting that the infamous vigilante was here. Probably the one that saved your boy here", He said. 

"Vigilante? As in the one people are calling 'The Grimm Reaper'?" Emily said.

"It's true", I spoke out which made the team look at me.

"When I was falling, I thought I was going to be hitting that ground soon. That was until a rope wrapped around my torso and I was pulled up to this person in all black. I held on until we landed safely onto this stuff", I said going to the ground and touching the Reaper's invention then getting back up.

"But the Grimm Reaper doesn't show up in broad daylight. They are usually seen during the night", Prentiss said wiping her tears away as well.

"Day or night, I don't care. They saved our friend from an early death", Morgan said siding hugging me. 

I smiled softly as we all nodded in agreement. 

"Let's just get ready to head back to the BAU. Reid, I hope you know that you'll be on medical leave until further notice", Hotch said. 

I sighed before nodded understandingly before we all walked away to get to our car. I looked behind me to the direction of where The Grimm Reaper flew off.

"I hope I see you again.... so I could thank you properly", I thought then faced forward with the others. 


I soon made it back to my apartment complex with all of my things. I had to hide a lot so that I could grab my bag from the building where I changed. But at least I'm back home without anyone seeing me. 

I sighed softly. "I'll go on patrol tonight. Right now, I should make something to eat", I thought to myself. 

I walked towards my kitchen and started to create a batter so I could make waffles. Waffles have always been my favorite. I finished making the batter so I then went and put it in the waffle maker. Once I was done, I put them all on a plate and added berries and chocolate syrup drizzle. I then sat on my couch and ate my food while watching whatever was on TV.


I soon got to my apartment after that long day at work, especially the roof incident. I sat down on the couch and put my hands to my face. Everything that happened today was coming back to me. Flashbacks... I can't handle this stuff. The roof incident scared me a lot today.

The Vigilante (Criminal Minds, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, House MD)Where stories live. Discover now