Part:1 l the boys

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August 20 2022

Y/n y/n!!! Wake up!!"Zach said

"What Zach."I said

Guess who going to Vegas?"He said


"No the band."

"Why are we going?"I question him

We have to preform.

"Which song?"I said rubbing my eye

"Fallin and maybe another song Why? "He said

"Just wondering. Now can you leave and let me get ready?"

"Yea yea hurry up you the last on the wake up."

I rub my eye and finally look at my phone and it only 8:00 am. I get out of bed doing my morning stretches and get cloth to go shower.

———After the shower———
"Morning."I said

"Morning to you to."Jonah said

"Where everyone?"I look inside the kitchen and saw no one but Daniel

"Zach and jack are swimming and Daniel well he in the kitchen calling his mom."Jonah said

"Alright bye mom. I'll call you later, bye love you too."Daniel ended his call

"Hey what sup."he ask me

"Nothing much just the roof."I said

"When will you be done with your joke."He complained.


"So you going go in to pool or no?"

"I'll think about it."Daniel said

"Okay well I'm going go into the pool see ya."

"You want food or you good."He ask

"Nah I'm go."I said


I walk to my room and pick my swim trunk and goes into the bathroom and change into them

What your wearing

After changing you go outside to go into the pool

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After changing you go outside to go into the pool.

"Cannonball!!!"I yell as I run to the pool.

After I jump in and get my head above the water I feel jack hit my with a pool noodle

"Hey come on what was that for."I ask him

"That was for not get us food."Jack said

"What are you two really that lazy?"


"Man why are you hungry didn't you eat breakfast?"I asked

"Yea we did it just that we want a reason to bug you."He said

"Okay okay. But when did you ask me to get food?"I asked

"When you were in your room."Zach said

"Okay that not far I couldn't hear you."

"Okay done with this food agreement let swim."I said before I hit jack with a pool noodle.

—-After a few hour of the band swimming—-

"So why are we preform at Vegas anyways?"I asked Zach

"Oh okay so we are preform for give love back concerts."Zach said

"Wait what you said it was just like one song or two not a whole concert."I said

"Okay okay clam down it just for the fan okay. And it more of a mini concert."Zach said

"Okay okay I'm calm. So when do we start packing?"

"Maybe today or tomorrow"Zach said

"We should pack today and leave tomorrow so we can enjoy the first few days."Jonah said

"Yea."We all agreed with him

"Alright so should we go pack now or wait?" Daniel asked

"Now so see ya" Zach said a went into the house

Everyone followed him but me and Jonah.
"So xo you know what song we're singing for the mini concert?"

I look at him with a weird face
"Why are you asking me why don't you ask the other band member what we should sing?"

"I mean you are like the band leader." Jonah said

"Enough of the me being the leader." I said

"But I really mean it y/n you are the leader even if you like it or not."he said

"Yea I know" I said

"But actually make list and don't leave it last minute" he said

"Okay I will now go pack"

He nodded and went to go pack. I went to my room and packed for the couple day we are going be there for.

After packing and eating Daniel and jack burgers we all decided it was time to go to sleep and get ready for was 11:00 on and I was thinking of what song we should do

"Come on, y/n think" all I had on the paper was fallin,big plans and 8 letters. After thinking for another 10 minutes I though about us doing be myself buy found baby and All my love. Honestly I'm to tired to deal with this, but Zach did say it was a mini concert and I guess I few song will work. After think for an hour I put my pen down and change it comfortable cloth and pass out onto my bad and can't wait for the flight tomorrow.


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