Part:13 l hailee birthday party

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December 10 2022

Right now I'm back at the band house in la getting ready for bed.  I set my alarm up because this morning I don't have Zach to be my personal alarm today. I check the time and it 1:00am. I. Start getting comfortable in my bed and start drifting off to sleep.


10:00 am

I hear an buzzing noise coming for my phone and start waking up to it. Once I have enough strength to reach over to my night stand I turn off the alarm on my phone and smack my head against my pillow and stay in the position for a couple of minutes. I get out of bed and start putting on some gym cloths. I get to the personal gym we build in our and start an work out I normally do. 1 hour later i if any my workout and start up an shower. I take an shower, do my skincare routine and shave my face a little. I change into just short for now until I have to get ready for Hailee party. For the next couple hours I been playing on my computer of being thinking of new music for the band. The time right is 5:30 and I start getting ready for Hailee party that start at 7.
I put on a button black shirt with black suit pant, do my hair and put on Cologne

 I put on a button black shirt with black suit pant, do my hair and put on Cologne

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(What y/n is wearing)

I soon gave my keys. Put the location of where the party is an drive. I start getting excited the fact Hailee that doesn't I'm coming because she still think I'm in San Francisco. I arrive at the building park my car and enter the building. When I enter the building I see griffin wait for me.

"Hey y/n"griffin say happily

"Hey griff"

"How have you been"I asked him

"Good actually, work been good to my car has been smooth on all the ride I took with it"

"Nice, I guess that pays off of all that time and money you spent on that car"

"Yup I guess so"

"How have you been"griffin asked me

"Good, busy though"I tell him

"Is that why Hailee think you not coming today?"

"Yeah,.. you didn't tell her though"

"No I didn't why would I ruin the surprise"

"Yeah true"for the next couple minutes me and griffin talked with each other just waiting for Hailee to text griffin she here. Minute later Hailee texted him she here and griffin goes outside to help her come inside. Griffin come inside with Hailee in front of him. Hailee start greeting people by the entrance. While Hailee was greeting people me and griffin keep fight with each other with our head motion decide where I should go. We both should give up and I just go to an couch near big blue curtains. I wait there a while until I finally see griffin head. I honestly thought he forgot where I went or if I was even here. Should I finally see Hailee and griffin not saying hi to anyone.

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