Part:5 l Back at la

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August 26 2022

"So how does it feel like to be back in la" my brother asked

"Oh, it good. it nice to finally get back to my room and enjoy la food especially the street food ones." I told him

"Dude your acting like you were gone for a year"

"But you were the one that asked how it like being back"I told him

"Yea, yea stop get so defensive"

"Dick"I mumbled to my self

"What did you say?" He asked me

"Nothing"I told him "hey look at the timer I have to get ready for my day, bye little bro"

"Bye" he said before he hung up. I quickly get change into better clothes and go

"Good morning mates" I say to Daniel and slap him in the back of the head

"Your not British. you know that, right?"

"Yeah I know" I told him

"Okay well good morning"

"So what are you doing?"I asked him

"Making breakfast"

"Want help?"


"So what do you need help with?"I asked him

"Start making eggs" he told me to do

I start cooking the eggs and he finished making the bacon. After we both finish make the bacon and eggs we decide to make waffles. We finished making enough waffle for everyone in about 15 minutes. We soon get everyone and start eating. 20 minutes later we all finished eating and Zach ask if we can go golfing we all agree and get changed and drive to the golf course.( I don't really know a lot of stuff about golfing so I sorry if I get some stuff wrong)we have been at the golf course for 1 hour and we only have gone through 7 holes out of 18.

"Hurry up Zach"I told him

"Give me some time golfing take time" he told me

"Okay yeah it take time but not 3 minutes just for on hit"I told him. Right now he losing and right now Daniel is first me and Jack or tied for second and Jonah is third and Zach is last.

He probably taking so long because he losing"Jack whisper to me. "yeah you probably are right" I told him

2 hour later we did all 18 holes surprised we finished it that fast. I ended up in third Jonah in fourth and Zach in fifth but he did better then last time we played so I think if he keep playing he can get higher place. We soon arrived home and decided to do what ever we want until one of us order dinner. Right now I'm playing video games with Zach and Jack, Jonah and Daniel mare all playing pool.

"Oh, y/n we got invited to the vmas show" Zach told me

"Cool, yea yea. Wait what?"

"We got invited to the vmas show"Zach told me again

"Cool. But how did you find that out before me don't I have access to the band email?" I asked him

"Yeah you do but I also have it to."

"Is that how you find everything out before me?"I asked him

"Yes. Yes it is"

"Oh so it was you who logged into the email I thought it was me."I told him. We go back to playing our game and soon Jonah decides to order dinner. He ordered some  in n out and we all eat and talk about the vmas. Jonah Jack and Zach leave to do what ever they want to do and me and Daniel decide on which songs we should sing. It took 30 minutes to pick and we end up picking slow down and fallin. He decided to go to his room to right after he help me clean up the table. I soon go into my room change into comfy clothes and decided to scroll through social media like ever normal person. I soon see i get a message from Haile

HaileeSteinfeld: hey pretty boy I heard you band is going to the vmas.

Y/nyl/n: yeah we are, are you going bye any chance?

HaileeSteinfeld: yeah I'm going one of my friends are performing

Y/nyl:n is that friend me by and chance?

Haileesteinfeld: no. It someone else but now I should say two of my friends are performing

When she said I was one of her friends I got a pride of joy in my heart

Y/nyl/n: I also like nickname you gave me

Haileesteinfeld:what? Pretty boy?

Y/nyl/n: yup

Haileesteinfeld: oh thank you it was original

Y/nyl/n: yup really original. Now I have to make a nickname for you

Haileesteinfeld: a lot of people call me haiz

Y/nyl/n: I like this nickname but I need and original nickname. But haiz will do for now

Haileesteinfeld: take your time pretty boy no one have gave me an nickname other then haiz

Y/nyl/n: I spend my time wisely for your nickname now

Haileesteinfeld: look at the time y/n you definitely have stuff to do and I have an early meeting tomorrow.

Y/nyl/n: yup your right good night haiz👋

HaileeSteinfeld: goodnight pretty boy😘

I turn my phone off and start resting my eyes. But all I can think about is her. The new nickname she gave me and how I just made an new friend, but man I wish I can be more then friend with her I mean she is perfect in every way. I spend an food 10 minutes thinking about her and soon start get a little tried and just a couple second or maybe minute I dozed off to bed.

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