Part:3 l the aftermath

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"So did you see that Hailee Steinfeld followed you last night y/n?"Daniel asked

"Yea, I saw"

"And your not freaking out?"

"No I'm not. Yesterday I meet her at the club and we had a little chat." I informed him

"What!"Daniel said


"Alright done talking about last night finished fixing you instrumental"I said to him

"Alright, but you better tell me more about what happen last night between you and her." Daniel said

"Nothing happen it was just small talk"I inform him

Minute later we finished streaming our guitar and drums with jack as Jonah and Zach with our managers get the mic set up we rehearsed
wha we are going to sing for tomorrow show.

———after the practice———

"So what happen between you two y/n" Daniel asked


"Between you and you know"

"Me and who?"I asked

"You and Hailee Steinfeld" he inform me

"Oh yea, nothing Daniel. nothing happen just small talk that all" I told him

"Yea yea" he said

"Like told to thousands of times nothing happened Daniel" I keep telling him

"Alright what have Daniel been bugging you about for Most of this ride y/n" Jonah asked

"Nothing Jonah" I told him

"Hailee Steinfeld followed y/n on instagram last night" Daniel told them

"Daniel!"I yelled/whisper to him

"What!!" The other boy said

"What?"I asked them

"Dude she following you" jack asked

"Yea so?"

"Dude how, are you secretly dating her?" Jack asked

"No we are not dating and yesterday while you guy were all busy doing what ever I was talking to her at the bar" I inform them

Before anyone said anything I told them "and no nothing happen it was just small talk so calm down"

"Now let enjoy the ride and get rest we have show to preform tomorrow" I told the

"Alright fine" Daniel Sayed

——— later that night———

I about to go to sleep when I get a notification from instagram. It say Hailee Steinfeld has messaged you"what the hell why is she messaging me at this hour?" I pick up my phone up and open the message

HaileeSteinfeld: good luck with you show tomorrow

Y/nl/n: thank you but why are you messaging me at this hour?

HaileeSteinfeld:just wanted an excuses to text you😉

Y/nl/n:miss our little small talk I see

HaileeSteinfeld: you can say that

Y/nl/n:good I miss it to

HaileeSteinfeld: so I would not like to keep you up any more as I know you have an important day tomorrow

Y/nl/n: ah, yes I do

Y/nl/n:good night

HaileeSteinfeld: good night 😘

I turn my phone off and lay down in bed. I think to myself about the last emoji does it mean anything or is just being friendly? I start to feel tried and decided to close my eye and get some sleep for the day to com tomorrow, but the thought of hailed does not leave my mind.

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