Part:2 l The club

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August 21 2022

———after the flight———

After the flight everyone found their hotel room and I think most of them fell asleep while the the other one said they are getting breakfast. I decided to finalized the song we have to sing.

————————7:00 pm—————————-

I hear someone knock on my door. I open it and see Jonah and jack. "Yes?" I asked

"We are going to the club join us" Jonah said

"But don't we have to practice"

"I mean along no one get to drunk we are good, so you going or not?" Jack said

"Okay I'll go just let me change" I said

"Okay we'll meet you in the lobby" Jonah said

I grab some cloth and change quickly

What we are wearing

I meat everyone in the lobby

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I meat everyone in the lobby. "Alright let go" I said. We all get into the car and drive off to the club.

———————after the drive———————

"Okay we have one rule" I said
"No getting drunk"I said

"Okay." Everyone agree with me

"Now let go!"

We all enter the club and everyone decides to go on the dance or go get a drink.

——1 hour later——

We have been there for about an hour.I been really boring for me ask I have been doing is sitting at the bar and talk to the bartender. A few minutes later I see a good looking woman with hazel eye sit next to me. I hear her order her drink. Before she get her drink I take a quick glance and if feel like I seen this woman before. She start drinking her drink once she get it.

She took a good long look at me before saying anything "you're y/n l/n?"she asked

"Yup that me"I said

"And you are Hailee Steinfeld"I said

"Yup" she said

"Nice to meet you y/n"she put her hand out for me tow shake.

"Nice to meet you to Hailee"I shook her hand.

"I knew I seen you somewhere I just need your name, Hailee what a pretty name." I said

"Thank you"she said "I heard of you, you're in that band called why don't we, right?"

"Yup that right"I said

"So what are you doing here y/n?" She said "I suppose you busy with your band"

"Performing in a few days, and you?"

"Came here with some friends"

"You should go back to them I don't want to take them away from you"I said

She mumbled something under her breath but I didn't hear." So it was nice meeting you hailee Steinfeld hopefully we can see each other again someday"I said

"Hopefully we can too"

"Now go back to your friend they probably worried"I said

"Alright, bye y/n"

"Bye Hailee"

A few minutes later the bartender come up to me "So do you want anything do you just want Pepsi or water" the bartender said

"I just get a water" I said

He give me the water

"Oh sir"I said


"If you see anyone of this boy make sure they don't have a lot of alcohol" I said

I show him a photo of them on my phone. "Okay I make sure to not give them a lot" he said

"Alright thank you have a good day"I said

I decided to sit down and to sit down and I see Hailee talk to, Anderson peak! I decided to look her music up and I see that she did a collaboration with him. I must of been living under a rock how did I not hear of this. After that I decided to just sit down and wait until someone say their tired and ready to go. Minutes later I decided to look at the dance see if I see any of my band mate but instead I see Hailee and think how is she so pretty and hot at the same time. I pretty sure I start staring but not like I care. She soon to go talk to someone so I decided to stop staring as that can be weird. 30 minutes later Zach and Jonah say there ready to go. So I just tell them to get Daniel and jack because we have to go.

Once we get into the car we drive back to the hotel. "Is anyone drunk?" I asked

"No" everyone said

———after the drive back———

When we get back into our room I shower and get into bed. Before I got to bed I get a notification on instagram I see that Hailee Steinfeld has follow my account not the band mine. I don't must of it as just her liking our small talk and goes to sleep.

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