Part:6 l mtv part1

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They next chapters are highly inspired by @carterradam story scared to be happy
August 28 2022

I woke up pretty late today but lucky the mtv show is in la and we don't have to drive far. I get out of my room at say good morning to everyone and we all each lunch. During we got a text from our manager and tell us some ladies are also here to drop off our suits. 5 minutes later they arrived drop our suit off and leave. We all get change and freshen up and soon leave to go into our car that will drive us to the event.

(What we are wearing)

(If it bugs out I put the outfit on the top)

We all start talking the ride there just to get our nerves out.then soon we start get more nervous on we're Jonah is double checking everyone.

"Wait y/n and Daniel were we supposed to bring our instruments or do they already have them?" Jonah asked.

"Oh yea, they have them don't worry all we have to do is just get there in one piece, okay."I told him


We soon all go back to talking and now Jonah seem less nervous. I just getting bored and look outside the window and just see the tree and the sun starting to set. A few minutes later the driver tell us we are almost there. A couple seconds later I start seeing people with cameras and start seeing flashing lights. We finally arrive and I start see a bunch of celebrities. We soon get out of the car and we all enter the event. As soon as we enter the building we're it lead to the red carpet all the nerves that were gone are back and it hit like a bus. We had to wait until we all go freshen up until we can walk the red carpet. During the time we were waiting I saw many celebrities like lil nas x, Jenna Ortega, Nicki Minaj and few more. Once we get all freshen up we walk onto the red carpet we soon walk to a photo area and the second we get there we hear people calling our names. We all pose then continue to walk to another area to take more photo. While we all walk around to take more photo again I see more celebrities and I even see Taylor swift. Like almost 10 minute later we are done with the photo area and goes to where the interview are taken. We all walk up to this one lady and she us about how we are feeling and are we excited to perform. She then start asking us each question about part of our music video fallin as it nominated for best group music video. She then ask me a question.  "Okay, thank. Now y/n" she say to me


So in the music during you verse you had to escape and flip over burning car how was it behind the scenes? Was it fun, hard to get out of was it just somethinto have a laugh about in the future."

"Oh the car. Umm it took some takes of getting out of the car but at the end of the day it look good. And it was basically just me getting out of a flip over car lucky they put cgi for the fire but that one scene took me a while a couple takes. Sometime I got stuck or I fell while getting out." I told her

She laugh when I told her about me getting stuck and falling. "But lucky now your fine and no injuries."she told me


She asked us more questions and soon we left to go with another lady and she asked us mostly About it how long it took to make the song and the music video but I felt like those questions were more for me and Daniel. We then left to go see a handsome man that looked to be in his early 30s. He asked each member on our favorite song of the album and asked how this experience was. Then he started asking about when we are playing or make new music. Daniel told them we want it start it soon.  He then go to asks me about how it going with the band and I just tell him it good and everybody messing with each other. We have then go to the last person that will interview us and met an lady and man together. They start asking us general questions about our music and how we are enjoy this event so far. Then the lady ask us for a fit check so for like a minute we give her stuff about out outfits. "Y/n do you think you guy can win at least one of the 5 nominations tonight?" The man ask me

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