Part: 8 l mtv after party

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Y/n p.o.v

The mtv event has ended and we are driving to the after party at this big club somewhere in la. It pretty dark outside all I see is building lights and the street lights and from time to time car lights. It was an 30 minute drive to the club from where the event was held. For most of the ride we were talking about how good we did and about how we going to add the awards we got to night to our award collection. When we arrived at the club we see flashes and people asking questions. I guess paparazzi heard a lot of celebrities are going it this one club. As soon as we get out of the car the flashing light start to come to our faces. We soon all get inside in one piece and start to head to an open table and order some drinks. Everyone decides to invite their girlfriend and when they arrive they go to the dance floor. Me being the only single one in the group sit alone at the table. 40 minutes past by and Jack coke back to the table to get something.

"Hey y/n" Jack tell me


"You should find Hailee. Your "girlfriend"." He told me

"Okay first off she not my girlfriend and second she might not even be here." I told him

"Are you sure about that. Dude I see how you guy glance at each other during the mtv interviews and performs." He tell me before sitting down next to me.

"Yeah sure we glance at each other a couple time today but that means nothings."I tell him

"Okay, Y/n."

"But y/n I mean it go look for her I think I saw her."he tells me

"Are you sure you saw here or are you to drunk?" I questioned him.

"I don't know man" he say while getting up. "Go find her or at least talk to someone you look depressing over here."

"Okay fine I do something then just sitting here"I tell him

"Okay do that man, I got to go back to dancing" Jack say before away to the dance floor.

I told him I will do something other then just look depressed so I decided to go on my phone. I decided to go on instagram and I see all the post we were tag in about tonight. I just scrolling through my feed an decided to get off my phone and I realize I probably do look depressing just sitting alone. I soon start to say dream and I hear someone sit next to me. I finally get out of my day dream and look at who sat next to me. I turn my head to see Hailee?!

"Oh hey Hailee"

"Hey y/n" she say and then leans her head on my shoulder

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm good" she tell me in an sad mood

"Yeah I don't believe that. Actually hailee what making you like this? This is not the normal Hailee I talk to."

"Okay fine, so basically I'm just bored. Some off my friend couldn't have come tonight but the one that did soon invited there partners and is busy with them" she tells me and cross her leg around each other and get a little more comfortable

"What about you"she ask me

"Have the same problem as you everyone invited there girlfriends and are busy dancing with them or drinking" I told here

"Hmm" she say and we stay quiet for a while and just sit there leaning on each other.

"Want go dance?"she ask me while going to stand up

"Yeah, sure" I say as I get up and lead her to the big dance floor.

"Oh, Hailee just to tell you I'm not an dancer" I tell her as we find a spot to dance.

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