Part:9 l is it an date or is it just a hang out?

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September 15 2022

It been almost an month since me and Hailee has seen each other. All we have been doing is texting and calling. Sadly because we are both becoming busy it getting harder to hang out with each other. But A couple of days ago hailee texted me asking if we can meet up today and go to this place for dinner. I don't know where or what type of restaurant this is but I'll we're something causal but also nice. I tell everyone I'm leave but before I manage to step out of the house I was getting get storm with questions and when I finally told them I'm going to see Hailee they all started to tell me stuff and Jonah and Daniel both gave me jacket for Hailee. Then they started to fix me up do my hair really nicely. During the whole process of them fixing me up I keep telling them it not an date but they keep shutting me up. They finally let me go. I said bye got into my car and drove to Hailee house. The drive there was about 20 minutes. I arrived at Hailee house and I start to feel all nervous and anxious about it. But I then remembered it hailee I'm going out with she one of my friends but the fact that it Hailee made me panic. I finally man up and checked out how I look and realized I look weird with my hair style differently. I keep running my hand through my hair and ruffling it but now it doesn't look that great so I grab an hat I found in the back of my car and now I finally get outside my car to pick Hailee up

 I keep running my hand through my hair and ruffling it but now it doesn't look that great so I grab an hat I found in the back of my car and now I finally get outside my car to pick Hailee up

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(What we are wearing)

I walk up to Hailee house and knock on her door. Within an couple of second I see her appear in the door frame. Damn she look so pretty.

 Damn she look so pretty

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(What Hailee wearing)

"Hey y/n"

"Hey haiz. How are you doing"I asked her

"Better now that your"

"Happy to hear that, do you want go to my car now?"

"Yes let get this night started" she tells me before walking past me. We head to my car and head to the restaurant. The car ride there was just Hailee telling me when to turn and where to go. We arrived at this cozy looking cafe in the la hills. I park my car and quick rush to Hailee and open the door for her. "Thank you" she says and walk out. "Your welcome". We enter "the cafe And it not that empty but also not that crowded. Hailee soon get us a table where their is an amazing view of the mountains and sunset. Minutes later we order our drinks. Hailee get some type of alcohol beverage and I get a water. We soon get our drinks and start talking about work.

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