Part:15 l the day i left home(flash back)

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Warning ⚠️:Abuse


I being to hear someone calling me and I also feel someone start to shake me. After a couple second I finally open my eye to see my little sister. I see she has bright smile on her face.

"Wake up y/n"she tells me

"I'm awake, why do you have a big smile on you face?" I asked her

"Remember it dad birthday"Abby tells me

"Yeah I remember"I say and kicks her out of my room. Once she's out I get changed into some dark blue skinny jeans, with a white t-shirt with a black flannel over it.

 Once she's out I get changed into some dark blue skinny jeans, with a white t-shirt with a black flannel over it

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Once I'm done changing I head to the kitchen to meet my mom making coffee and pancakes.

"Morning mom"I say and kiss her head

"Good morning y/n" she say and hug me

"Are you going stop by you father grave after school honey?"she whispered to me

"I am. Why?"in questioned her

"I don't know if I be able to go today I have to work an extra shift tonight."

"When you stop by can you put these flower on your father grave "my mom says whiling giving me some flowers. They were my dad's favorite flowers and also his favorite color.

"I will mom."I tell her

"Okay thank you sweetie, go sit down I have some pancakes for you"she says. I head to the table and sits while she put a plate of 3 pancakes, just the way I like them.

Soon Abby comes out of her room and sits at the table with me. Mom give her pancake with star berries. Soon mom joins us and eats with us. Minutes later when everyone almost done Paul comes in with his usual outfit pjs pants with a white wife bester with a robe on top. When Paul enter the room Abby froze, my mom got up and put his breakfast out with his coffee.

"Hand me the newspaper, boy"Paul say to me. I reach over to where the newspaper is and hand it to him.

For a minute me and Abby just sit there staring at each other. I notice my mom washing the dishes. I get up grabbing me and Abby dishes and put the in the sink. I tell my mom I can wash them but she insists she I don't have to. But I tell her to go get ready for work. So she does and I start washing the dishes.

I finished washing the dishes . Notice Abby waiting there for me. I check the time and notice we should leave soon. I tell Abby to go get her backpack and lunch While I get mine.

"Where you kids going"Paul ask sitting on the couch

"School.." Abby tell him

"Ok,stop by the store for me and get me an pack of cigarettes and beer"Paul says opening an beer can

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